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When to switch to an M15 nozzle


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Chicks Dig the powerbulge
Dec 15, 2003
So I changed my mind on the combo and stepped up to a TA6262 Billet DBB. Is the M10 nozzle still enough?
i believe its still enough. what et's are you running
I thought Julio's came with a single 15.. then adds a 10 for the dual nozzle.
Yep. Why make a whole new thread when there's one right here :) Info for the most part, doesn't expire.
Yep. And the question still stands. Which was "Is a single nozzle enough for a ta6262" and someone said that no, the standard issue nozzle that comes stock with the alky kit is indeed an M15, not an M10." Then you said "We'll find out." (which you might have, but never posted your results.)
Then the other guy said " I run that nozzle in my combo, see my sig." Well that means nothing to me now, seeing as how the sigs change when someone updates that, which is why my thread about signatures exists. NOWWWWW you guys see why I had that thread, complaing about the actual posts staying the same while the signature updates go back in time... Now I have no idea what that guy could have had during that post, seeing as how people here change turbos like they change underwear. So I got no intel out of that post.
So all this thread tells me is that the stock alky kit nozzle is of a specific size, and your question of is one nozzle good enough for the ta6262 was never answered. Is it? Can you run your desired boost on a TA6262 with the factory alky kit installed with no upgrades?
You can have a 106mm turbo and an M10 nozzle be enough. The issue has to do with higher boost/HP and the nozzle having enough volume to supply enough and keep the knock from showing up. 6262 at 20 psi is way different than 6262 at 28 psi.

Same story.. 6262 on C16 fuel at 28 PSI.. the 10 would be enough for cooling. vs the 6262 on 90 octane at 28 psi.. its a twin nozzle.

Same story holds true.. if it starts showing knock top of a gear and air fuel is where it should be.. it needs more.
What about a TA6262 on my combo with champion irons and 30 psi on 93 octane? Would a single nozzle on your factory alky kit be sufficient?
Wow. Even with the gain knob cranked all the way?
Its real easy.. you work your way up.. 20..22..24..26..28..30.. psi Your watching knock and air fuel. If you get knock, you move the gain up. If your gain is all the way up and your seeing knock... you need an extra nozzle. Nothing else.. really. Everyones engine is different.
When I say "Typically no" its just from communicating this very scenario to a lot of racers. It is what it is. Doesnt mean it applies to you, thats why I used the word "typically".