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Where to buy Grand National Gray Interior Paint


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Apr 26, 2018
Looking for Gray Interior Paint that's a match for our Grand Nationals without buying the RestoMatch Interior Paint Medium Dark Grey (Gray Blue)
from GBodyParts. I really don't want to deal with them. I know the Grass Doctor (Matt - TR Member) had tried various vendors without much success. In fact he sent me a can from GBody cause he had no use for it. It was close enough for me with what I was doing at the time (4 years ago). Any suggestions???
go to a Benjamin Moore store and see if they have the color I had mixed up...believe it or we called it grand national can call the store in saint Augustine to get the mix if its in the system
Looking for Gray Interior Paint that's a match for our Grand Nationals without buying the RestoMatch Interior Paint Medium Dark Grey (Gray Blue)
from GBodyParts. I really don't want to deal with them. I know the Grass Doctor (Matt - TR Member) had tried various vendors without much success. In fact he sent me a can from GBody cause he had no use for it. It was close enough for me with what I was doing at the time (4 years ago). Any suggestions???
Alternatively, you can buy their paint through their ebay store if you want the extra layer of protection 78-88 GBody INTERIOR DYE PAINT for plastic metal vinyl Spray Can COLOR CHOICE ea | eBay

I never purchased anything from their ebay store myself so can't comment on that but their ebay rating is 99.1%, which is encouraging.
go to a Benjamin Moore store and see if they have the color I had mixed up...believe it or we called it grand national can call the store in saint Augustine to get the mix if its in the system
Thx Matt for refreshing my memory. Been a long time :p. I'll contact Augustine Ben Moore for formula.
now remember I was trying to match the glove box to the 30 plus year old leather dash....the vendors can were not dark enough for this specific not sure if the pics I posted are still on here ...the vendors cans might be okay for the plastic trim ....but ill bet ya a bag of doughnuts you will have to do the entire interior trim for it to ultimately match due to age ...;)