Which is more desirable to own?

The 86 GN is 6700.00 with 60,000 miles and the 87 WE4 is 6200.00 with 81,000 miles. Are those good prices?
Originally posted by NitrousMan
The 86 GN is 6700.00 with 60,000 miles and the 87 WE4 is 6200.00 with 81,000 miles. Are those good prices?

I would think so, if they were here on the West Coast they would have been sold already for those prices. I would have bought the 87 WE4 outright if it were in stock form, Not modded.
Originally posted by NitrousMan
The 86 GN is 6700.00 with 60,000 miles and the 87 WE4 is 6200.00 with 81,000 miles. Are those good prices?

They are good prices if they are in good shape.

But if they have rust thru,Bondo etc.Then it is not.

Check them out and let us know.
I'm kind of leaning towards the 86 GN but I need to see the pictures before I drive out to look at it. Is email really that difficult?I'll see if he can mail me the pictures. I keep finding GN's for sale and the people don't know squat about what's been done to the car. Most of them just seem to be trying to make some money on the car like they just bought it and are trying to find some sucker to buy it for a couple thousand more than they just paid for it. If they can't give me details on the car then I'm not interested. What are some of the first spots the GN's start to rust?
Originally posted by NitrousMan
What are some of the first spots the GN's start to rust?

Bottoms of the doors, wheel houses, floor pans. Typical places.