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Which Laptop????


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OHIO Where the fast 6's R
May 29, 2001
Guys. I,m wanting to get D.S. I,m gonna go on e-bay and try to find a laptop. What should I look for? What are the minnimum system req.???How much should I pay?? And do I have to find one with a good battery??? Thanks
I got a good deal on a Dell from the guys below. They sell Corp. Lease ones. The Dell Latitude with the works and a case, $510.00 including shipping. I ran across them on E-Bay. They will deal with you. They were real good to work with.
E- mail Jay

Hybrid Data and Multimedia Inc. sells a variety of wholesale computer products to resellers and the public. They specialize in new or refurbished laptop and desktop PC's.
Thank You

Bob I didn't ask the question.

But thank you because, I was going to ask.

so I just wanted to thank you.

I'm using a T'LINK

My computor went down when the invertor let go.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!!!!!!:) :) :)
Re: Thank You

Originally posted by RobV6
Bob I didn't ask the question.

But thank you because, I was going to ask.

so I just wanted to thank you.

I'm using a T'LINK

My computor went down when the invertor let go.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS !!!!!!!:) :) :)

Your name hits home with me, my son Rob age 16 has a TTA.
Happy Holidays