I was unable to get to Miami for the show. Was the BUICK Y-job in attendance ? It was on the postcard I received and it's a car I've always wanted to see. How many Buicks made it there? Is there anything way cool that I missed. Anyone with photos?
A couple of us guys from the SFTBC made it down there. I didn't show my car (wish I had), but virgil did. He has a 1987 GN with big turbo, clean interior (58K miles), etc.
The other buicks were about (4) 1970's GS / GS'x's.
If the y-job you are talking about is a 50's era buick, they did not have it there. At least I don't think so. I went around the place twice and I don't remember seing it.
There were some other cool cars there (chevelles, camaros, vetters, mustangs, ponchos, etc). It was ok. Pretty much the "cream of the crop" from towers. Maybe you can email the for some pic's. http://www.kruisinkrome.com/
The BOP show is coming next month. I am hoping that will have a good turnout.