I'm in the middle of updating and adding gauges. The car had oil pressure, coolant temp (both mounted in a center console pod) and a boost gauge (mounted on the a pillar in a single pod) when I purchased it. I didn't like the oil pressure gauge because it had graduations up to 240 psi and was kinda useless because of this, so I decided to upgrade to new AutoMeter oil press, coolant temp, and boost/vac.
In addition to those gauges I'm also adding an AEM wide band, AutoMeter fuel pressure (transducer style) and trans temp. I purchased a 3 hole A pillar gauge pod but after mocking it up I don't like the way it fits, leaves some large gaps and looks not where as good as the OEM piece. So I'd like to stick to the OEM A pillar trim piece and keep my boost gauge there like it has been.
Below is a picture of a gauge pod that mounts to the right of the dash, this is where I'd like to put my wideband, fuel press, and trans temp.
Who makes this piece? I've had no luck trying to find one online, I'm hoping it's not a discontinued item.
In addition to those gauges I'm also adding an AEM wide band, AutoMeter fuel pressure (transducer style) and trans temp. I purchased a 3 hole A pillar gauge pod but after mocking it up I don't like the way it fits, leaves some large gaps and looks not where as good as the OEM piece. So I'd like to stick to the OEM A pillar trim piece and keep my boost gauge there like it has been.
Below is a picture of a gauge pod that mounts to the right of the dash, this is where I'd like to put my wideband, fuel press, and trans temp.
Who makes this piece? I've had no luck trying to find one online, I'm hoping it's not a discontinued item.