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why are there stupid people?


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turbo swimmer
Mar 2, 2003
i'm setting at a stop sigh today, theres almost no traffic and some guy is going down the street, i'm waiting for him. theres some pretty big dips so he slows way down i realize its a taurus sho, not a bad looking car, he almost stops right infront of me and reves his engine and takes off. i'm thinking what the hell you want to race when i'm not even going the same way as you, and even if i was, on a 2 lane road in town? your stupid!

so a bit later i'm at a stop light turning left, he pulls up in the middle lane to go straight and looks over at me and revvs his engine again, holds it at the rev limiter for a while and lets it go. he won't roll down his window or anything, just sets there reving his engine (sounds like theres a blower) i look at him and laugh to myself and turn the stereo up. waht am i sopoust to do, go straight and into the cars ahead of me (still a 2 lane road)? the light turns green and he takes off from what probably 5 grand and just barely squeaks the wheels, not a ton of traction, just a lack of power. all in the bad a$$ gangsta' style, sluched low in the seat and his hand up on the top of the wheel. i had my my laugh for the day.

how fast are thoes cars? are they blown or was i hearing timming gears? from the part of town i've seen that car in before i'm guessing they don't have the money for a blower, unless they stold it.
don't underestimate the sho...v6 3.0 by kawasaki...yea they can be quick so don't even trip if you underestimate on you will b left behind...
Dont underestimate them. Thats a laugh. I never thought they were that fast.

It's a not waste your gas...They make nice Lawn furniture in some states.....
I've seen some wicked fast ones, although the majority of them are slow. My friend had one in high school that was pretty quick, for the time anyway.

Oh, don't ask "Why are there stupid people" and proceed to incorrectly spell about 20 words.;)
That is a tough question to answer, but I'll try to answer it anyways. I don't think stupid people is something new to the human race either. In fact, it all started with Eve. What was she thinking? Who trusts a talking snake? Though stupid people aren't a new concept, stupid people are more noticable. Thanks to the advent of reality TV shows, the elimination of darwinism, and the ever increasing world population we are only bound to encounter them more on a daily basis.

I think in the past stupid people were eliminated by natural selection. They fought dumb wars, tried stupid things that killed them, and were just plain too stupid to survive. Today, the people of Pompeii would've been evacuated long ago before allowing to live on a volcano. Now we have things like NATO, decent medicine and healthcare, technology, and "laws" to prevent such things from happening.

I mean, look at today's society! Everything we know of is designed to keep stupid people from killing themselves! I could name many examples but I think it would just anger me too much. :mad:

So from now on, lets stop passing laws, making warning stickers, and putting child proof lids on adult products. Lets keep them from reproducing folks! You don't want your children around them anyways.

So repeat after me...

If they want to Discount Bungee Jump LET THEM!

If they want to light sticks of dynamite for Fourth of July, LET THEM!

If they want to do make an electric fence without experience or a permit, LET THEM!

If they want to marry their cousin, LET THEM!



PS, I was just joking about a lot of that stuff. Don't get mad about the cousing marring thing;)
Originally posted by TS6
I've seen some wicked fast ones, although the majority of them are slow. My friend had one in high school that was pretty quick, for the time anyway.

Oh, don't ask "Why are there stupid people" and proceed to incorrectly spell about 20 words.;)

spell check is my best friend:D.... they should really have it here on here.

bishir, great philosophy! i saw we do it!
Yamaha!dam! thats what I mean't knew it was one of the Jap motor cycle

bishir-actually some of these laws and rules of society protect us from stupid people...there is a kid near by me that likes to set things on fire well it was pretty funny when we saw him in da paper but the laughter ceased when we saw him in the woods near my house.....another thought say the nessary income to live in a area is $75K yearly...well that is sorta a good way to keep stupid people away for you cause they will be to dumb to earn that
Actually, the law protects your friend. The law should state that the firebug gets a beating by his neighbors when he lights something on fire in the woods or anywhere. I bet he would stop lighting fires or he'd be beaten to death. Either way, we all win! ;)

Oh, and don't think more money makes people less stupid. It's stupid to think that. :D

well obviously he would stop lighting fires if he was
yup I would like to hurt him....I maybe stupid for thinking that money measres peoples intelect but whos the bigger fool the fool himself or the person that argues with the fool?!

I've heard rumors that the 5-speed SHO is considerably faster than the automatic version. Also, there were a lot more autos made.

The SHO was the first car that made me want a fast car. After one smoked me in my 84 Regal 3.8 2bbl N/A car when I was 17.

I like the ground effects look over the stock Taurus though, it has a little taste ya know. Peace !
Stupid people are just here to scare the **** out of us, and to remind us not to do stupid ****.
Good Decision on

Backing down, it was a stupid race, instigated by some stupid kid, at a stupid time when something stupid could have happened to one of you, or even both of you God forbid.

Live to beat his ass up and down a real TRACK strip another day.

Hmmmm high fourteens? sounds like a good overall family hauler.
Thats all its good for anyways......;) :D
Good Luck and stay safe.....
Steve Chambers
14's was last season. i'm shotting for low 13's next year. the turbo was absolutely shot, it barely spins, and you measure the play with a tape measure!

didn't realize you were talking about the sho. thats still not all that bad for what it is. i know the shoguns ran 13's. that was a festiva with a sho motor, pretty cool cars if they didn't look like festivas, or rice burners.

even if i wanted to race him it woudl have been absolutely impossible without running into the oncoming traffic, i'd love to see him at the track but i'm sure i won't, so i'll just let him go off thinking he would have beat me.
The SHO could have been the older model 89-95 with the 3.0L DOHC V6 - 220 HP (later A4 versions had a 3.2L engine), or the newer model 96-99 with the 235 HP 3.4L V8. The older M5 versions are the quickest (in stock trim), as the V8 was only available with a pathetic A4.

I had an 89 SHO back in 1990. At the time, it was a quick, fast, and unique car. Few folks expected a Taurus to run 15.0 @ ~93 mph (Motortrend numbers, believe it or not), and it looked so much like any other Taurus that it was a lot of fun surprising the uninitiated.

The DOHC V6 was smooth as silk, loved to rev, and from a roll, was a good match for similarly stock 5.0 GTs, most 3rd Gen F-bodys, SS Montes, etc (remember - we're in 1989/1990 here). A good running TR would walk it, of course, but a stock one that perhaps wasn't in real good tune might get a surprise on the highway.
Hey! Easy on tha SHOs. True they weren't the fastest sports acr on earth but they did have a certain mystique about them. Damn, I miss my SHO. Had a 93 atx, it ran 15.3@93mph. Not too shabby for a hi miled car that was stock. But my 99 GSE is a better car it just doesn't have the mystique of the SHO. And i was just over at the SHO boards I guess there r a couple of sc and turboed SHOs over there that r real monsters. Last i knew a 12psi blower can get u over 500 hp. So be careful if they ever hook from a dig cause u would have to have some serious oats to do anything w/ them on the big end.