How many of you guys are changing fuel filters regularly.
The 340 pumps flow more fuel and need more frequent filter changes. Because a pump is loud does not mean it is bad.
I saw many loud pumps have good pressure and flow but where very loud and they lasted years. Check and make shure you
don't have any restrictions in the lines,filter #1 cause,or in the tank. I work on 5 turbo buicks and used Xp pumps, 340 pumps
and stock pumps. None of them are loud just the slight whine they should have.
The 340 pumps flow more fuel and need more frequent filter changes. Because a pump is loud does not mean it is bad.
I saw many loud pumps have good pressure and flow but where very loud and they lasted years. Check and make shure you
don't have any restrictions in the lines,filter #1 cause,or in the tank. I work on 5 turbo buicks and used Xp pumps, 340 pumps
and stock pumps. None of them are loud just the slight whine they should have.