i already hear they are pushing away from it..they are finding out e85 is worse (the whole process) for the environment than gasoline. the gm flex car run like **** on it. not to mention its effect on food and food prices.
this is obviously is no good for those strictly interested in it for its performance application value but if you want to pay less money for groceries it would be great if it faded away.
e85 availibility is growing , the problem is big oil doesnt want people using high concentration ethanol fuels since they havent figured out how to get it to come out of oil wells in the middle east yet
since they havent got that figured out they have helped to propagate fear about the fuels attaching all the negatives of methanol to ethanol even though ethanol doesnt have the same corrosive properties
propagating the water in ethanol issue even though all US ethanol is mandated to be annhydrous unlike Brazil etc.. where they dont dry their ethanol but run hydrous instead
the media keeps bringing up the food vs fuel debate which has a lot of merit as long as corn is the primary item being fermented to produce ethanol but what they dont mention is all the other sources of ethanol they are trying to develop , anything that can be fermented can produce ethanol Brazil uses sugar cane we just need to develop crops of something that is not a food stock to get our ethanol from.... switch grass has been mentioned , give it some time they will come up with a viable source
if you are familiar at all with the process of fermentation as well as the process of removing crude oil from the ground , transporting it overseas to refineries , distributing it to the end consumer in either case its pretty hard to imagine that its worse for the environment no matter how hard special interests work to build up their fabrications - a little common sense goes a long way....
just think for a moment what it would be like to not have to constantly be fighting wars just to protect our interests in foreign oil and let opec fight their own battles , not saying its the only reason we fight wars but take a look at the countries we end up in Iraq , Kuwait ,etc.. what is their primary business ? hmmm....
I read a lot about ethanol so I will hopefully have all the truths and myths sorted out before its available in high concentraions in my state . I am not an activist but rather a performance enthusiast who initially just wanted to make more power but along the way discovered that ethanol fuels have a lot more going for them than just more power , I used to believe all the same things you do cutty - someone is trying to brainwash us all I tell ya !
0ne thing I have noticed reading lots of posts on lots of forums is that people running e85 are typically giddy with how good their results and experiences are while people posting all the negatives of it have never run the fuel themselves but rather are mentioning all the things they have heard about it