Why special treatment

most of the garbage in this thread is coming from people in california....go figure

i say PERKS OF THE JOB...everyjob got perks, some way better then others like say...hugh heffner for example as compared to a guy that shovels elephant crap at the zoo and gets free passes.
I find it interesting that the cops on here almost always resort to name calling. Some can even come up with names more than 4 letters long.

I guess it has to do with equality. They can't arrest or other intimidate regular citizens on here for speaking their minds like they can at work and it frustrates them at having to be on a level playing field.

Its ok in your opinion for someone to express that they hope a cop gets killed, but when there's a response to that person and he's called "name" that's where you draw the line in acceptable behavior.
Where did I say that?

Pay attention now. You didn't feel the need to comment when someone is talking about cops being killed and basically sounding like a psychopath. But as soon as a cop calls him some names, you are all of a sudden amazed at cops behavior. Got it?
most of the garbage in this thread is coming from people in california....go figure

i say PERKS OF THE JOB...everyjob got perks, some way better then others like say...hugh heffner for example as compared to a guy that shovels elephant crap at the zoo and gets free passes.

Hugh Hefner's perks are not paid for by tax dollars taken from the public by force. If it's a govt owned zoo it matters, if it's privately it doesn't matter as I am not forced to pay for it.
Ok....I'll bite. There are bad people and good people in every profession. Name any job and I guarantee you will find someone who has a bad story about that profession or feels that someone in that profession got special treatment in some circumstance. Are you a plumber? Guess what? Plumber so and so did this and that and didn't even kiss me goodnight. Plumber so and so got this and that because of (union, trading services for a favor, personal favor, etc). Go ahead. Pick a job. You can do it with any of them.

Was it special treatment? I don't know. I don't know if the helicopter was launched specifically to pick them up. I don't know if it was enroute somewhere and it wasn't an extra fuel burden to pick these people up. I don't know what the lifeflight sop is in that area. Maybe they take family members from any critical accident scene. I don't know if they had a scheduled training flight for that day and decided to use those hours to assist. Dunno.

Injdinjn, all I can say is that you seemed to have been "wronged" somehow from a past law enforcement event and you've decided to spread that as a blanket thought that all cops are overpaid, unfair, and getting special treatment. All I can say is that I wish I could have served you in my former leo days. I can honestly say you would have been treated with respect and I would have done everything in my power to resolve your problem. I hope that one day you will meet a leo that can show you that courtesy, but I have a feeling you never will since you have already made up your mind.

On a lighter note, have a coke and a smile. :D
Protect and serve is a thing of the past. 90% of cops treat you like crap and talk down to you from the moment they talk to you or look at you like you're guilty of something. That is unacceptable! I don't stand for it, EVER!

I followed a drunk driver once for 20 minutes on the highway who was taking up all 3 lanes. The whole time i was on the phone with the MA state police explaining what was happening. then the drunk took an exit to Fall River and i stated it to the trooper on the phone.
he said "hold on"
then i heard "Fall River police how can i help you"
I said "didn't the trooper explain?"
The Fall River cop said "what trooper"

Now my sister lives in Fall River with my 3 year old nephew. What if the drunk crashed into them and killed them! The trooper could care less.

If it doesn't involve guns or drugs 99% of cops don't give a F**K!
So. now when a trooper or a cop dies, I don't give a F**K.

You are all over paid, plain and simple. I have many cop friends and know what they make and know how much they work. It's a joke!

Pay attention now. You didn't feel the need to comment when someone is talking about cops being killed and basically sounding like a psychopath. But as soon as a cop calls him some names, you are all of a sudden amazed at cops behavior. Got it?

I did not read all of Evil's post as it was made when I was enjoying the weekend.
I agreed with his first lines and didn't read the rest.
Now that I read the whole thing, I do not agree with his last line.


I was only replying to posts with my post attached, You made the assumption that since I did not make note of his 2nd to last line that I agreed with him. You assumed that I had read Evil's post. Is that how you do your cop work - by assuming. Not good.
And I could call you some demeaning names but I don't lower myself to that level.

I had a deputy sheriff for a neighbor for years. very nice guy eventually went into juvenile work but he too had a hard time understanding that shopping for tires or a battery for his personal car in uniform so he could get a price I could not was no different than taking a cash payoff. And he agreed that I could not get the same deal. He called it a PERK of the job.

Or the CHP in front of a traffic school class telling everyone that he got stopped doing 95 in a 55 in his Porche and was told to slow down.

Or the housing inspectors that required presents to sign off const tags.

If private companies want to issue perks to their employees that is their money not my tax money. And govt employees, esp cops are expected to set a higher standard of honesty. Too bad the elected politicians are not held to anywhere near a honesty standard.

I witnessed it in my youth and my son's and my daughter and their friends. Both my kids were A students, not dirtbaggers but the traffic cops seem to have to show off their power to the young and timid. A CHP, in his own admission was acting on the word of someone else and he did not witness anything, in my driveway 10 min after my son arrive home was trying to force him into admitting to having done something citeable while driving. He never stated what the act was.
On the opposite side what turned out to be a uninsured driver with a suspended license and a address of a house recently removed for fwy expansion backed into my driveway and hit my car. When we discovered he was uninsured and refused to pay we filed a police report with the CHP. After 4 weeks and hearing nothing I went to the CHP office to find out if they found the guy or what they were doing. I was told I would have to buy a copy of the police report for $10. I handed the officer a $20 and was curtly told "We don't make change". I finally bought a candy bar down the street to get the 20 changed. I was then given a report that had all the other drivers info blacked out, info that I gave them. I then asked what they were doing to find this guy. The desk officer just walked away, returning shortly thereafter with the big guy. He asked what the problem was. I said "No problem I just want to know what you are doing to find this guy". I was told to leave they didn't like my attitude. I never raised my voice or spoke in a derogatory tone. 10 years later I am still waiting for them to do something.

BTW, when I asked the backup CHP, to the CHP who was trying to coerce my son in my driveway, about the accident report he stated "Not my job".

I form opinions of others on how they treat me, most of the cops I have had contact with have a "better than thou" attitude. Not my fault.

Coke and a smile sounds good. Same to you :):)
I did not read all of Evil's post as it was made when I was enjoying the weekend.
I agreed with his first lines and didn't read the rest.
Now that I read the whole thing, I do not agree with his last line.


I was only replying to posts with my post attached, You made the assumption that since I did not make note of his 2nd to last line that I agreed with him. You assumed that I had read Evil's post. Is that how you do your cop work - by assuming. Not good.
And I could call you some demeaning names but I don't lower myself to that level.

Truly amazing.
Don't judge people of Cali by one nutcase and I won't judge you because your from Pittsburgh :eek:
sorry but cali is the worlds capital of nutcases...it aint just one bud.. if ur smart u should run east!!! other than that i hope it cracks off and sinks and takes all the scum of the country with it. ( gangs, illegals, queers, liberals, white trash, entertainers, barry bonds, etc)

injdinjn...since ur so worried about what ur forced to pay for lets see you go in the ghetto and tell all them people how you feel about what ur being forced to pay for? your goin at it from the wrong end pal. your singling out a helicopter ride for a family whos public servant was injured instead of goin after the big dogs! your a real swell guy picking on this situation while you live in the cesspool of wasted tax money. if it was an everyday thing i would be on ur side but its not and ur full of dookie. but again its comes back to cali...you have a thing against law enforcement because of ur experiences in CALIFORNIA...the most effed up place in this great land!. but to be somewhat fair would you like it for someone to come into your place of employement, no matter how nice and ask you what you were doin in regards to getting ur job done? NO!!!

now in my experience i was never pulled over for no reasonm but one time and i won my case. i have always treated the badge fair when being pulled over and was treated respectfully in return except that one time. i'm talking like 30 some traffic stops and only 5 tickets and one bad experience. the one bad experience was a 60 yr old black woman with a NOTORIOUS reputation for treating whites disrespectfully. no man...i'm thinking it probably is ur attitude why you have trouble with the law.
I can't believe how some people are so ignorant saying these things about officers and cali and the people in it... I love my home state I haven't traveled much but cali is a great place that's truly one of a kind ... and I wouldn't bash another persons home town where they raise there children and have family based on what I've seen on tv...like I said ignorant..... every one who posted here has shown their true colors some I respect and others I dispise... my father has been a LAPD officer since I was 1 years old in 86 when he graduated the acadamy Ive had to live my life knowing my dad is risking his life for scumbags like some of u .. my father has the medal of valor the highest medal an officer can recieve ...he stopped a car a few years ago for a bad taillight, the passenger got out the car with an ak47 and let loose on my dad and partner... his partner was shot in the arm and my father wasn't injured he was able to shoot the passenger inthe leg probably saving his and his partners life ...
So for those of u who act like they know...you don't. And if u do run into a cop who's a dick do u really have to wonder why its common sense why but like they say common sense isn't that common... and 88cutty you might as well have said wetbacks I know u wanted to I can tell ur still in the 90s... any ways I had my share of run ins with officers who didn't treat me well but I still understand and I STILL WILL DEFEND MY FATHERS HONOR AND MY HOME ..............
some people just dont get it..whether its jealousy, poor treatment by previous LEO's, or whatever..just dont get it

Since you have this negative outlook on LE, do LE a favor and hang a sign on your car saying "I hate cops" when you need help so we won't have to bother you. :)

Billy T.
Good I'm glad they didn't do **** for you.. Maybe you should never call them again..

I had a deputy sheriff for a neighbor for years. very nice guy eventually went into juvenile work but he too had a hard time understanding that shopping for tires or a battery for his personal car in uniform so he could get a price I could not was no different than taking a cash payoff. And he agreed that I could not get the same deal. He called it a PERK of the job.

Or the CHP in front of a traffic school class telling everyone that he got stopped doing 95 in a 55 in his Porche and was told to slow down.

Or the housing inspectors that required presents to sign off const tags.

If private companies want to issue perks to their employees that is their money not my tax money. And govt employees, esp cops are expected to set a higher standard of honesty. Too bad the elected politicians are not held to anywhere near a honesty standard.

I witnessed it in my youth and my son's and my daughter and their friends. Both my kids were A students, not dirtbaggers but the traffic cops seem to have to show off their power to the young and timid. A CHP, in his own admission was acting on the word of someone else and he did not witness anything, in my driveway 10 min after my son arrive home was trying to force him into admitting to having done something citeable while driving. He never stated what the act was.
On the opposite side what turned out to be a uninsured driver with a suspended license and a address of a house recently removed for fwy expansion backed into my driveway and hit my car. When we discovered he was uninsured and refused to pay we filed a police report with the CHP. After 4 weeks and hearing nothing I went to the CHP office to find out if they found the guy or what they were doing. I was told I would have to buy a copy of the police report for $10. I handed the officer a $20 and was curtly told "We don't make change". I finally bought a candy bar down the street to get the 20 changed. I was then given a report that had all the other drivers info blacked out, info that I gave them. I then asked what they were doing to find this guy. The desk officer just walked away, returning shortly thereafter with the big guy. He asked what the problem was. I said "No problem I just want to know what you are doing to find this guy". I was told to leave they didn't like my attitude. I never raised my voice or spoke in a derogatory tone. 10 years later I am still waiting for them to do something.

BTW, when I asked the backup CHP, to the CHP who was trying to coerce my son in my driveway, about the accident report he stated "Not my job".

I form opinions of others on how they treat me, most of the cops I have had contact with have a "better than thou" attitude. Not my fault.

Coke and a smile sounds good. Same to you :):)
88cutty you might as well have said wetbacks I know u wanted to I can tell ur still in the 90s...
if you wanna put urself in that box with them go ahead but i never said that. If you can;t see the difference thats ur problem. there is good and bad of every race. if u are a tresspasser in America you are a piece of **** criminal...PERIOD!
And the people who came here who supposedly discovered a new land which was already inhabited and schemed the natives for there land and brought desiese what does that make them any different then illegals... my grand parents and father came here from mexico but became citizens ...if its wasn't for them coming across the border the family I have now would sieze to exist .... and for u to say there criminals for coming here is just wrong ....don't get me wrong I believe there's certain types who shouldn't crossover but there's also certain types of born americans who shouldn't be here either
And the people who came here who supposedly discovered a new land which was already inhabited and schemed the natives for there land and brought desiese what does that make them any different then illegals... my grand parents and father came here from mexico but became citizens ...if its wasn't for them coming across the border the family I have now would sieze to exist .... and for u to say there criminals for coming here is just wrong ....don't get me wrong I believe there's certain types who shouldn't crossover but there's also certain types of born americans who shouldn't be here either

ok first off you are comparing a land to a country with laws. the natives had no structured country established. I am talkin about people illegally crossing the boarder and suckin up the resources meant for REAL AMERICANS who were either born here (legally) or people who became citizens legally upon entry. My ancestors all came to America, from italy- ireland- england-germany, through ellis island LEGALLY.

what you are say i am wrong about is like sneaking into a football game and paying for the ticket after you get in... its still ILLEGAL!!! IT HAS ZERO to do with your nationality and everything to do with the illegal act. By the issue of what is true and what is false I am TOTALLY 100% right on the fact they are criminals for the act of sneaking into the UNITED STATES. Regardless of how good a reason they had, regardless if they were priests, plumblers or drug dealers. there is no excuse for that crime. People think its a right to become an American...dont get it twisted..its a privilege. If you are born in this land of American parents then it is a right but no other way. Its good that ur family became legal citizens but they just went about it the wrong way. Im sure they did what they felt they needed to do.
Firsy off my family came with there visas legally..and I don't need urs or anyone elses approval if they were right or wrong..if u think this country is flopping over on itself how do u think it would be if everyone thought like you we probably would fighting ourselves like we did in the past.. anyways has any one seen the news where a gov. took a helicopter to his sons baseball game...now that's just retarded and wrong...and its funny how this happened along with this post...for the op and certain others I can't believe how ignorant u are and y u wont change ur minds but that's fine every one is entitled to a opinion I jus hope u don't teach children to think those ways