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Will alky ruin my bov?


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Lou Cipher

these idle hands...
Mar 26, 2002
I am just wondering if alchohol will mess up my blow off valve. I am looking at getting an SMC kit and from what I've seen the nozzle(s) go in around the bottom of the up-pipe. My blow off valve is welded at the top of the up pipe close to the throttle body. I'm just curious if anyone runs both in similar locations and if they have had any problems. Any insight would be appreciated.
I doubt it. Those that really need blow off valves (Eclipse guys, Supras, DSMs, etc) are running alky without melting theirs.

Turbo Buicks on this board has a BOV and alky without problems to my knowledge
Can't offer an opinion about it corroding anything in the BOV, but if you're venting to atmosphere, I'd think a little about where the alchy+air mixture is going to go when it is vented.

Wouldn't want to point it at the down pipe, for example!

And no, I don't know from personal experience and haven't done any research on whether you would be in for trouble, but I *would* if it were on my car.

actually i DONT have a BOV as stated but will get one one day. gotta fix some other stuff first. like you said though, DSMs, Supras, etc all run BOVs with alky and report no problems that i have seen.
Thanks for the info guys. I was starting to think no one was gonna reply to a thread involving a BOV. I was mainly concerned with the possibility of corrosion, but you make an interesting point about where it vents under the hood. Maybe I'll hold off a little longer with the alky. Thanks again guys.

Congrats on your BOV + Alcohol plans!

The fellows running BOVs certainly seem to like them.

(HKS & Blitz make 2 very nice units I'm familiar with.)

Thanks for the support! I'll let everyone know how it works when I get the money for alky.:D
i run a bov.....i use propane though....however alky will not ruin it...youre safe