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witnessed kill hemi ram vs trans am ls1


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Just cruising around shows the Hemi to have great pick-up, but the pulling power disappointed me. The truck constantly downshifts, and just seemed to be working hard in general when pulling my Cobra. As far as gas motors go, I've always been most impressed with Chevy. When it comes to diesels, it's Cummins hands down!
Originally posted by ViciousV6
Just cruising around shows the Hemi to have great pick-up, but the pulling power disappointed me. The truck constantly downshifts, and just seemed to be working hard in general when pulling my Cobra.

For serious towing you have to take the truck out of overdrive. I towed a trailer full of tools, and had the bed filled as well, with three men in the truck, from Kentucky to Texas and never knew the trailer was there. This Hemi, although not an Ls1 beater, is the best truck I have ever driven. More room, better response and quicker than most other TRUCKS. It looks pretty good too. I, for one, am very impressed. If in fact DC does put this engine in, or offer it as an option in one of their cars it's going to hurt some feelings.
It's not a 426 but as soon as the after-market people figure out the computer mapping there is a world of power to be unleashed.
If you want a hot rod truck, save your money and pick up the new 505 cu. in. 500 hp v-10 in the Dodge 1500 coming out in a few months. I've also heard it's coming with the 6 speed. 04 Cobras beware!!!.......:eek: :eek:
yeah but that truck will be way over priced, i seen the black one at a auto show in dallas it is beautiful, but i would continue to save and get the new lightning thats coming out.
I'm sure the T/A could beat him in a longer run, but you have to respect a 4,000 lb. plus truck holding off an LS1. I know the Hemi makes considerably more power and torque than an LS1, but I thought the extra weight would have been more of a handicap.

I guess I don't debate what you saw Tracey, but I definatly debate the conclusions you are making from it. I would think rather than be impressed with the hemi, I would be asking what the hell is wrong with that LS1. It is fact that and unmodified hemi pickup will not hang with a good running, decent driven LS1 from anywhere to anywhere. :D :D
I'm certainly not saying the Hemi is a bad truck. My father has one and I really like it. Just seemed like the 3/4 ton Chevy he had before it did a little better pulling... never had to take it outta overdrive. More of a transmission difference than one motor being superior to the other. I'd drive either one! The Chevy definitely seemed better on the fuel, though.
I just wanted to say that any LT1 that's running 18's in the 1/4 has something seriously wrong with it or a seriously retarded driver,
Originally posted by BGN8711
I just wanted to say that any LT1 that's running 18's in the 1/4 has something seriously wrong with it or a seriously retarded driver,

I totally agree...but let me tell ya I see it all the time at the track. Can you believe I've even seen an intercooled TB run 20's! :eek: Lots of people out there who need to learn how to change spark plugs before they start bolting on "go fast" parts.

Kev :)
I just recently left a Dodge dealer after 6 yrs to start my own business and have driven dozens of the hemi Rams right off the deliver truck.None are the same,one may feel much quicker and pull harder than the other.They just don't build enough rpms,they shift to quick.Had many complaints after owners put 5-10k on them about power loss,especially after towing alot.Gas mileage sucks!!Some that felt weak seemed to gain some power after break in!!Cruising along at say 50 mph not much of a hard kick into passing gear,kinda a slow acceleration.Maybe I'm just used to the GN:D
True story...we took a brand new quad cab hemi (3 miles on odometer) and ran it (I mean test drove it during pdi..pre delivery inspection) against a 96 -98 Chevy Tahoe with the Vortec 5.7, over 60k on it and the Tahoe killed the hemi 3 straight times.So we decided to prove our one hemi faster than the next and got another quad cab,6 miles on it, with the same gear etc,trucks were the same except color,and it beat the Tahoe about 2 truck lenghts.
Cummins diesel is as nasty as they come. The quality of the Dodge body it is in is personal preference, I suppose.
Originally posted by matt87
nothing like chrysler quality control. buy a ford or gm turbo diesel.

I can't believe people still walk around with brand bias. I know GM mechanics that drive Dodges. They will tell you as a point of fact that all of the big three cars have certain quality issues. Besides that - Daimler has really stepped up the quality of various components.

For every story of a problem Chrysler product, there are an equal or grater number of relatable stories about Ford & GM products guys. None of them are vastly superior over the others.

While we're talking build quality, my TTA is absolutely horrible. Orange peel in the paint, rattles, squeaks, and all the headaches associated with the turbo motor, i.e. oil leaks, head gaskets, etc.
I raced a new short-box Hemi Ram in my '99 6.0l 3/4 ton silverado. It was on the highway from about a 50-punch to about 105 (fuel cut) and it only put about 1.5 truck lengths on my big-ass 4x4. Not impressed. Guess some run better than others?