wobbling crank pulley?


Sep 6, 2003
Might be my eyes but it seems like my crank pulley wobbles. I just started looking like that after I did a cam timing chain install last weekend. Looking at it from the top it is in line with the water pump pulley and doesn't look like it is wobbling from the top. If you look at it straight on it almost seems as thought he pulley is not round. The fan has no movement to it at all though, neither does the harmonic ballancer. I changed nothing when I put it back together and did everything by the gm service manual (didn't drop the pulley either). The car runs perfect except for this. Any ideas?
Think I found it, talking to a buddy it popped into my head. I was prying on the pulley trying to get it off the hub when I was taking the cover off. I must have bent it slightly. I'll pull it tomorrow and see if I can't fix it. Where can I get a replacement hub and pulley for the crank? Any car in the junkyard that would have it?

Anyone got the PN for these 2 pieces?