WTB Headers


Texas Moderator
Staff member
Sep 28, 2001
Looking for a good set of headers. No welds/repairs please.

PM if you have something.

Almost all stock headers will need to be repaired on the driver's side..

what are you looking for?!?!??

I may have a set very soon I won't be needing.

Hey John, I know eventually all of them are going to crack. The set on my car have cracked and been welded so many times it's just time to replace them. I have found a good used set of postons here local. Appreciate the feedback.
David I replied on the yahoo list,but it didn't take.

I have a set that looks to have been repaired nicely. You are welcome to them if you cant find a set.
Thanks Patrick. Dan, had some Postons that I am going to take a look at. I'll let you know appreciate it.:cool: