
I can understand being embarrased and not wanting to seek treatment because of it.. but come on!!! It's not worthy my life! Now, instead of brief period of embarrasment and a hard lesson learned, now he has the legacy carved in his tombstone!

"Here lies the body of a man that died at the hands of his testicle twisting engraged wife!"

Of course imagine her life and the life of her family. Mom's in jail because she killed daddy by twisting his privates! Mom tries to date other men.

"So, tell me about your ex-husband. How did he die again?"

Oh man... that's just painful.
Here Lies Cousin Fred, Twisted his testicles and now hes dead!
Wife was pissed about his boozing.
Guess the moneys not all he's losing.
She's now a butcher at the local grocery store. Interested in any prime cuts today? :D