Your first introduction to a Turbo Buick!

Daniel Jost

Squirtin six
Oct 11, 2003
I bring this up because of Raven's writings in the kill section.
I remember when i was all about them, on a family trip, when i was about 8 years old we were in our suburban somewhere towards Florida, when one of my brothers said to the other, look its one of those fast buicks! I rose my head to observe what was going on and seen an older lady about 45 driving what i now know was a 86-87 T-type with a gray paint, that seemed to be getting sun baked, she seen us staring out the window and booted it, or should i say "Boosted It", any ways i was amazed at this go fast Buick. Then later on when i was about 14, me and my brother were coming home from the strip in his 1988 Monte Carlo SS, we were on the highway and came up next to a 87' GN that ran something like low 11's that night, with his daughter Kerry Tubbs driving it!:eek: He was now driving it, and as we came up next to it he looked over, and we both gave him the thumbs up;he smiled, looked straight, and as his 30 PSI VDO gauge almost pegged he left us like we were standing still!!!:rolleyes: I was in complete aww, and the quest was on to find one, well the age of 15 i had found one in near perfect condition, and here I am now still proud to have a V-6:biggrin: Some ask why not an 8, i will when you get me one that performs like this and can still get the highway mileage i get light on the trottle!(sometimes 30+)

Ive ALWAYS been around g bodies, as im in detroit so... it was then i made my decision, that i liked g bodies over all others. then, out of them, buick was the winner for me. i was young, so of course, it was all on looks alone. lol. i could have cared less who made it, or if it was a good car or not.
after growing up, i started to research a lot more, after buying my 83 from my neighbor. i seen that there were different 'levels' of these cars, and decided at an early age, that this weird 't type' thing was going to be my car forever. (that was in 1996, and i still feel the same way today) in around 1997, i seen the differences between a grand national and the base regal. I had to have one.
finally got to see one in a car show in '97, and was just totally blown away. It was like finally seeing god in real life. I was like "oooohhh myyyy god" When i seen this car, that was it. it became my lifes pursuit from that day forward. I became a fanatical buick lover on that day. that minute, ruined car shows for the rest of my life. I could care less about the limelight mopars, (which are my other favs) or anything for that matter. the turbo regals were the only car in my life from that day forward. they were THE ONLY reason i ever went to any other car event again. if there wasnt a buick at the show, i wouldnt go. there was simply no point to it.
I still to this day, gaze at em, like some sort of hypnotized freak. Like I dont own one or something.
So yea, pretty much my first buick in 1996 sealed it for me.
back in 1987 at the ripe old age of 17 me and my buddy were driving around in his 1970 442 w-30 looking for young punks in there hotrods.while cruising on a four lane highway approaching a redlight along side of us a black regal cruised up beside us. not thinking of anything while waiting for the light to change the gentleman asked my buddy if he would like to race and we asked what do you have in there and he replied a 6 cylinder well we laughed our asses off and my buddy looked at me and said lets embarrass this old man and he told him lets go well as we sat there we heard this whining jet like sound and as the light changed this black regal just launched like a plane and was gone he had 4 cars on us before we hooked " a 455 bigblock mind you " it just kept pulling got us all the way down the highway. we looked at each other and said what the f#$% was that!!!! then we turned in a store and asked the guy to lift his hood!!! he gladly did i tell you we were shocked he said he just bought it a month ago SINCE THEN I ALWAYS WANTED ONE BUT COULDNT AFFORD ONE TILL NOW!!!!
The first time I saw one up close was at my uncle's slavage yard. My brother owns it now. It was a recovered theft that had been pinned between a police car and a telephone pole in the back. I spotted it almost right away but turned my nose up at it becuase I really didn't know much about them. When I finally got to drive it I was shocked, the acceleration made me dizzy and I almost ran some old lady off the road. Lol
I remember my first encounter with a GN. One of my friends growing up was into monte SS's, that was his favorite G body. I can remember him having (and still having) several. He didnt want to drive his SS in the winter so he bought a "winter car", a GN. When I drove that car for the first time, I knew I wanted one. Luckily for me, my friend preferred his monte carlos more so I was the one that ended up putting about 75% of the miles on that car back when I was 16&17 years old. Thanks to my good friend introducing me to the buicks, I've been hooked on them ever since.
October 1986: My best friend was a salesman at the Buick dealership where I was working at the time. My 86 442 Cutlass had been stolen and destroyed in the subsequent police chase, and I needed another car. Had almost resigned myself to a monte carlo ss when my buddy comes up to me to take me to lunch, saying "you have GOT to take a look at this" ("this" was a leftover 86 GN), well he hands me the keys and in about 45 seconds the monte was a distant bad dream. Wasn't crazy about the "earl schieb" black however. Well by a strange act of fate that Friday the sales manager calls me to see if I would be willing to do a dealer transfer over the weekend. Greensboro dealer wanted one of our leftover 86's and had a silver 87 turbo T that they were stuck with (cancelled order I think) At that time I didn't even know what a turbo T was, but figured if nothing else it was 50 bucks for about 2 hours work.
He then told me I could keep the car over the weekend since it was only going into our inventory "just try to keep the miles as low as you can". Anyway, kept the car and come Monday morning I walked into the manager's office with a check........