Child Support. How much do you PAY?

How much weekly?

  • Between $150-200

    Votes: 12 46.2%
  • Between $200-250

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • between $250-300

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • $300+

    Votes: 11 42.3%

  • Total voters
every dime !!!

i have payed every dime i have ever earned in the last 20 years . but i still have my old ball&chain we have three kids one in college one in middle school and one in elementary . two boys and a little princess . just think if you stayed with your wife what it would cost . everthing . so in my mind you guys paying child support are lucky you stiil get some money. when all i get is cable tv and sex once in a while . but i love her and shes my best freind in the world .. luv ya suzette ...... your sucker .. :D
i was paying $1300.00 per monthe for 2 kids,court just reduced it to 1100.00 per month,this was in florida and they love to screw you.the girl i'm dating now has a daughter and her ex is $9700.00 behind and wv will not do a thing for her he claims (self employed)
i was paying $1300.00 per monthe for 2 kids,court just reduced it to 1100.00 per month,this was in florida and they love to screw you.

AMEN there buddy....

My ex and I did the divorce completely amicable... no fighting, no arguing, split everything right down the middle.

Came to child support, both our incomes were identical, we were splitting custody 50/50 so we wouldn't have to worry about support right?? WRONG!!! The courts sent back the paperwork literally saying that 50/50 is NEVER going to get signed, because somebody HAS to pay.

So we went 60/40, with her stating she wanted $200 a week payable directly to her. And she never makes me pay. (still get receipts though as if I were, just in case)

F U FL!!
On a side note, regarding support.

Anybody moved to another state, with their ex?? What did that state do as far as the previous states decision for support? Did it carry over, or did you have to go to court to get it ratified for the new state?

I'm curious, as both the ex and I plan on moving back to MI within the next few years... And I don't know if we'll need to redo anything.
On a side note, regarding support.

Anybody moved to another state, with their ex?? What did that state do as far as the previous states decision for support? Did it carry over, or did you have to go to court to get it ratified for the new state?

I'm curious, as both the ex and I plan on moving back to MI within the next few years... And I don't know if we'll need to redo anything.

short hand version-My oldest is her oldest - We started out in NY, My case came about in a "funny" way We had an arrangement. BUT when she took her new EX for support for her two other kids The Retards in Court Would not except her paper work unless she added ALL her kids and all the fathers. She got an award for her other two kids from the other guy and an award from me by the retards in Black. Next She wrote a letter to court stating that we whir back together and that the case needs to be dropped. To this day i still get my ZERO owed ZERO balance statements from NYS child support enforcement Unit. NEXT she moved to PA and moved her Case for her other kids there but this time She didn't mention that she has an older child to the System so no case for me there. Good luck Dude.
short hand version-My oldest is her oldest - We started out in NY, My case came about in a "funny" way We had an arrangement. BUT when she took her new EX for support for her two other kids The Retards in Court Would not except her paper work unless she added ALL her kids and all the fathers. She got an award for her other two kids from the other guy and an award from me by the retards in Black. Next She wrote a letter to court stating that we whir back together and that the case needs to be dropped. To this day i still get my ZERO owed ZERO balance statements from NYS child support enforcement Unit. NEXT she moved to PA and moved her Case for her other kids there but this time She didn't mention that she has an older child to the System so no case for me there. Good luck Dude.

Dave i hope they don't figure it out cause you could be paying tons of cash if it's a couple of years back
Dave i hope they don't figure it out cause you could be paying tons of cash if it's a couple of years back

:confused: I have been paying my monthly dues and have proof of it. Just not in the system in PA.:confused:

Also the State doesn't give my EX a dime for my kid, I even cover health insurance. So i OWE the STATE ZERO and MY EX ZERO

I guess when a system is run by Retards ANYTHING can happen. :mad:
Dave i hope they don't figure it out cause you could be paying tons of cash if it's a couple of years back


Reciept or not. Everything that you give to support a child is considered a "Gift" if it doesn't go through the state. They demand their cut of your children who don't live with you as though they have a vested interest! The poundage. They suck a dollar or two from every payment you make. That's why you want set up to pay monthly also, instead of weekly when you're in court. It minimizes how much the state gets to drain you for among other advantages. The only way to have any of your previous paymenst accepted as being made is through the other party in court. This generally can't be done through an administrative hearing at the child support enforcement agency. You've gotta go to court, probably pay for an attorney. Pay the court. Gotta grease All the palms to be legal.

Most states you will find have made the law to state that you are not legally able to make any such arrangements for the care of your child(ren) on your own, without their blessing(blasphemy). Ohio's law is effective to all dissolved marital unions or children born after, I believe, 1986. Long past any supportable children, so you hafta go thru them at this point. You MUST pay the Court, you MUST pay the CSEA, you MUST pay at every turn! And you know how your employer will direct deposit your income into any variety of accounts you wish? Well guess what else!? THEY get to take poundage from you for making a "friend of the court" FOC deduction and transfer for you too! Yup, you got that, even your employer gets to bleed you for having kids that don't live with you.

Loving your kids is normal. Dealing with not loving their other parent is INSANE!

hey rivical

some employers dont charge .. when i get the paperwork from the state it states that the company can take a % for prep& paperwork . but i dont .. ive got an emp that has three kids by three different moms . he cant afford new shoes or a winter coat i help him as much as i can to a point . it was not my choice to have those kids so i tell him and others watch out 10 seconds of pleasure = a life time of pain sometimes
AMEN there buddy....

My ex and I did the divorce completely amicable... no fighting, no arguing, split everything right down the middle.

Came to child support, both our incomes were identical, we were splitting custody 50/50 so we wouldn't have to worry about support right?? WRONG!!! The courts sent back the paperwork literally saying that 50/50 is NEVER going to get signed, because somebody HAS to pay.

So we went 60/40, with her stating she wanted $200 a week payable directly to her. And she never makes me pay. (still get receipts though as if I were, just in case)

F U FL!!
You know y that is? Child support is not about helpin kids you think anyone in our country gives a $hit about you or your kids!!! Its about playing upon peoples emotions to get $$$ The same as many other things that have gone on in our lives in our country....Think about it you ever wonder y the payments they take arent the payments that your ex gets that or they are behind by a few weeks? INTEREST!!!!! You know how they say if you hit the lotto you could take a million and put it in the bank and live off the interest? Imagine whats being made on all of the child support $ that gets taken in and held for a lil while!!!! Thats just like i know guys that live with thier gf / wife and kids and still pay child support !!!
I have full custody of my two kids. I pay everything. One year I paid $10,000 just for daycare. :eek:
I have paid child support for four years now I think. I am still paying child support and we are now married!:eek:

Sounds pretty fu*ked up huh? Yes it is very fu*ked up!!!!!!!!! The process to get the child support dropped has been a nightmare and has cost us a TON of money. The state employees keep having us fill out the wrong paper work, then the next employee sends what tey think is right, then thats wrong. All of this takes literally FOREVER!!
They hassle people who have money and jobs instead of going after the deadbeats who flee and make money under the radar. That's much easier and makes it look like they are working.

My sister in law has 2 boys now 14 and 16 years old. Their dad left about 6-7 years ago. Has not paid a dime in child support. I can't say I blame him. It's not easy to hand money over when you know mom is a pos but the kids need things. It's a tough situation.

I feel for all you guy's who are paying. The system is messed up in so many ways.

You are not alone sir, just brutal. And the more you love your child the harder it is.

You sure got that right, my friend, you sure got that right.......I had a great 10 years with my little daughter, loved her to pieces, taught her everything I could, she could name all parts of my Vette engine at age 3, no kidding, we did everything together, everything, I gave her all the time I could possibly give, always got down to her level, but never spoiled her..taught her to ride bikes, sled, roller skate, hold snakes, plant gardens, took her to the playground every time durning the summer, bowling with me.....long rides in the Vette with the tops off, caving, fishing, out in the boat in the bay, you name it....she's 33 years old now, her mother finally got her away from me when she was 10, and now my daughter will not have anything to do with me.....I last saw her on March 19, 1999.......her mother is tickled pink that she used our daughter as a weapon against me. I only found out through Internet search that she's married and has three children....I wasn't invited to her wedding, nor in anyway notified that I had three grandchildern. She's a very successful photographer in Texas now, and guess who taught her how to take pictures??? It was very, very brutal, I could say more, but this is starting to hurt....I will say I payed a tremedous amount of child support for 18 straight years and never missed a payment...on the last year I could get my daughter, I had to drive every other weekend from Alexandria, Va. to Appomatox, Va. to pice her up and return her and only for Friday to time on Friday in travel: 11 hours round time to return her: 11 hours round trip. so that really cut into my time with my little ex thought by moving away that far I wouldn't go through that much trouble but I proved her wrong.....was she ever she got all my visitation taken away from me by, ah, hell, ex, on numerous times, refused to let me see my daughter on my court ordered visitation days.....I proved this in court and you know what that jerk judge said to me? "You want me to put the mother of your child in jail?" Of course, she always made sure my little daughter was sitting there right beside her.....I've said enough, but it was just beyond brutal for me, for years on ex got away with murder......worst kangaroo court in the nation. Man, this subject really gets me going, and not for the good....but just to share a little with you, as you seem to have been subject to the same crime as I was....sorry for the I'm pissed off...take care.

Blue Steel.....87GN (Bruce Urie)
You should write all that down and send it in a letter to your daughter.

That's so F.U. in so many ways she needs to know how you feel, and felt.

Just my .02. :(
Blue steel, I hear ya!!! I have a very similar setup as you. It really makes you aware of the fairness of our judicial system! It sucks! Take care, Bob.
At first I was getting $124 a week. Taking into consideration that the court's method of calculating child support is absolute crap (I make double what he does)...we went back and lowered it to $80 a week.

Oh, and it doesn't go to support my clothing or clubbing habits (not that I have those...). ;)

Did you say something...Sorry got distracted by the avatar...

Keeping on topic, I re married my ex !
Child support was $500.00/mo for 2 kids. Missouri has a formula for child support where both parents salaries are taken into account. I was making about 60k and she was about 50k. I gave her the house with about 110k in equity, and all of the contents. I didn't want the kids to be displaced.

You sure got that right, my friend, you sure got that right.......I had a great 10 years with my little daughter, loved her to pieces, taught her everything I could, she could name all parts of my Vette engine at age 3, no kidding, we did everything together, everything, I gave her all the time I could possibly give, always got down to her level, but never spoiled her..taught her to ride bikes, sled, roller skate, hold snakes, plant gardens, took her to the playground every time durning the summer, bowling with me.....long rides in the Vette with the tops off, caving, fishing, out in the boat in the bay, you name it....she's 33 years old now, her mother finally got her away from me when she was 10, and now my daughter will not have anything to do with me.....I last saw her on March 19, 1999.......her mother is tickled pink that she used our daughter as a weapon against me. I only found out through Internet search that she's married and has three children....I wasn't invited to her wedding, nor in anyway notified that I had three grandchildern. She's a very successful photographer in Texas now, and guess who taught her how to take pictures??? It was very, very brutal, I could say more, but this is starting to hurt....I will say I payed a tremedous amount of child support for 18 straight years and never missed a payment...on the last year I could get my daughter, I had to drive every other weekend from Alexandria, Va. to Appomatox, Va. to pice her up and return her and only for Friday to time on Friday in travel: 11 hours round time to return her: 11 hours round trip. so that really cut into my time with my little ex thought by moving away that far I wouldn't go through that much trouble but I proved her wrong.....was she ever she got all my visitation taken away from me by, ah, hell, ex, on numerous times, refused to let me see my daughter on my court ordered visitation days.....I proved this in court and you know what that jerk judge said to me? "You want me to put the mother of your child in jail?" Of course, she always made sure my little daughter was sitting there right beside her.....I've said enough, but it was just beyond brutal for me, for years on ex got away with murder......worst kangaroo court in the nation. Man, this subject really gets me going, and not for the good....but just to share a little with you, as you seem to have been subject to the same crime as I was....sorry for the I'm pissed off...take care.

Blue Steel.....87GN (Bruce Urie)
Damn Bruce, I am so sorry. Please do what ever you can to get in touch with her and help her raise those grand babies, you would and still can make her proud of you. Ty