Will Cas ruin my Christmas???

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I'd be pretty pissed if some d!ckhead screwed up my lady's plans for such a huge gift. In fact, since that is indeed fraud, I would be more then willing to do whatever was required to put him out of business.

Make copies of all e-mails and eBay documents showing proof of sale. Then pay him a visit and fry his a$$. And as far as screwing my woman over would be concerned, that would create all the more temptation to knock his teeth out one by one. Thats just pushing the wrong button.
That's really a bummer! For all the people that buy CAS stuff new, why not buy them from the vendors that have his stuff in stock? Just curious. I know there are some vendors that stock his intercoolers. As far as radiators go, anyone contact Nick Mircale? I assume he's got aluminum ones. If I were getting a brass one I don't think I would buy it from anyone else.

Travis's wife had no choice in the matter as it was on eBay and that really sucks! I'd be pissed too. Not getting it for Christmas is a bummer but hey, it's winter time and as long as it shows up soon it'll all be OK in the end. I feel bad for your wife, she must be upset. Sucks man!
Most of the SYTY guys are pissed at Tony because of a crappy intercooler he made that showed no improvement on many folks trucks. They even had to cut up the front valence to get it to fit. We can stop all this crap that Tony does by not buying his stuff. If you really want CAS stuff, buy from a vendor, otherwise, be prepared to wait cause once he has your $$, you are last on his priority list. Merry Christmas all, ERIC.

Originally posted by Foolis
I hate to tell you guys this, but I think TR's account for very little of CAS's bizz. Boycott will do phuk all.
I must admit that Tony sold me a rad for a very good price and delivered it only 3 weeks late, so I cannot slay him from personal experience, but the horror stories are constant, and this one is really buggin me. :mad:

Bill T
Regardless if we are small to CAS or not. If you put something on E-BAY you would assume that it is on the shelf and ready to go. How can i knock my wife for trying:( i am lucky that she loves me and my car. :) I have said it in the past that vendor bashing should not come to the board, however if the guy does not answer e-mails and his voice-mail is full and i can not even leave a message, i have no choice. :( :(Most vendors i have spoken to do not carry CAS stuff anymore because of this same problem. Customer service sucks!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad:
At 11:40 AM 12/19/2002 +0000, you wrote:
> I will
>a set in 304 stainless. Let me know what I need to do. Should I pay for them
>now or is their a way to put in a pending order?

I'll put an order in now and we I will contact you when they are finished
to arrange payment.


At 03:50 AM 12/19/2002 +0000, you wrote:
> When might this occur?

They would be made from 304 and we won't run V2 pipes again probably until
sometime in February. We only run them 2-3 times a year.


Back to back days! I must be have the direct line with CAS:D

What was the exact date you made final payment and under what shipping method? Was it to go next day air? I know around the Holiday in the past that a package that usually takes 3-4 days ground like it would be in this case is doubled. UPS sets up an extra counter in the main floor here to handle all the X-mas traffic. Unless it was going next day I would expect about 8 days from Tony's place to you in NJ. Did you get a tracking #?
In Two Lanes last post the ..and Jeff ......Part was me , Tony is a liar , his buddy GATO slamed my good name in the bad guy list , then I decided to tell my story about dealing with Tony. The only way I would ever buy tony"s products is from a reputable vendor that has the part on hand , or even from good TB,com members. I will admit his products , when made right , are the nicest around. Members that know the story on me and tony are still buying parts from me .I have sold a lot of good parts at cheeeeep prices. But people are still dealing direct with tony? that I DONT UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!.

JEFF P.S The cas oil pan in my sig was purchased from a very reputable vendor ....Bill Anderson .
My Aunt and Uncle own an antique toy shop,that almost does 90% of their buisiness through EBAY. For the past week they have been working around the clock to ship out all merchandise to be delivered by Christmas Day. They even shipped out the stuff that the personal checks have not cleared yet(hopefully they wont get burned). They had to put thier own family's presents on hold to take care of thier customers. Everything got out on time, and last night we all went out and had the 7 fishes dinner at Grandmoms! Well Merry Chistmas to all!!!


p.s. I just opened up my wifes present....Beautiful Torbo6 Valve covers.
Amazing how some places claim it'll take 5-10 days to get to xyz, yet Kirban gets EVERYTHING my GF has ever ordered to us NEXT DAY, with no extra shipping charges.

It's the 'handling' not the 'shipping' that is the problem with any vendor who doesn't get you a product within 1 week.
Same here with Kirban's but you have to remember it is only a state away, not the middle or other side of the country.
Originally posted by gnXfan
Amazing how some places claim it'll take 5-10 days to get to xyz, yet Kirban gets EVERYTHING my GF has ever ordered to us NEXT DAY, with no extra shipping charges.

It's the 'handling' not the 'shipping' that is the problem with any vendor who doesn't get you a product within 1 week.

this past monday i had a machine break down at work that needed to go back out for tuesday A.M.

i ordered the parts NEXT DAY AIR 7 A.M. from the state of washington at 2pm central standard time to be delivered to downtown kansas city-

i recieved the parts at 7:30 A.M. christmas eve just like i needed!!

some companies can follow thru and make it happen-
When I bought my V4 direct from Tony I had no undo delay, and when the air scoop didn't fit (not CAS's fault), Tony sent me another modified for my application within a week at no charge.

And I've had nothing but excellent results with FedEx ground.

Regards, Bob

Payment was made through PayPal on DEC. 9th.
He was supposed to send tracking #----NEVER DID
Never emailed me back and cant leave him a voice mail as his voice mail box is FULL.

You would think it would have shipped right after payment. Which even though you are saying that it would take 8 days. We are now 16 days after payment was made.

With again, no email, no tracking #, NOTHING!!!!

And my wife is out $649.00

We are not talking peanuts here.

If you can get a hold of him, maybe he can give you our tracking #. Cause we surely cant. WHAT WOULD YOU DO???? KEEP WAITING, WAITING, WAITING. IM NOT GOING TO WAIT FOR SOMETHING THAT WAS PAID FOR 16 DAYS AGO ALREADY.

I've sold stuff on E-bay and that stuff goes right in the mail NEXT DAY after payment.

"Cut & Paste" the 2nd URL in my siggy...print out a copy of the Federal Trade Commission federal laws regarding this.

Everybody should know/use the federal laws protecting consumers from lame-o excusemeisters, con-artists, frauds, & thieves.

:) :)
Originally posted by Intercooler
Same here with Kirban's but you have to remember it is only a state away, not the middle or other side of the country.

Ok, then I'll pick my vitamin supplier, LEF, california. Order by 3pm monday, here Tuesday - regular UPS shipping.

Its all about handling.
There is NO excuse for these actions. Liars and cheats expend all their energy looking for an excuse and someone else to blame instead of just doing the work.

If Buick parts are such a small part of his business and he "really has to consider if its worth the hassle" then please do everyone a favor and stop making Buick parts. I don't care if his stuff is "the best" - if no one can get it, and everyone has a headache dealing with you, it doesn't mean diddly.

I am SO tired of hearing about Tony DeSlow and his business problems and all the people that have to deal with him.

Might as well place an order with BGC while you are at it, since you people like to torture yourselves so much.

I am sorry for you and this thing with your wife - and it was REALLY sneaky of him to put up an ebay auction. Guess he has time for that, huh?

I, for some reason, get some sort of special attention from Tony. Whenever I make a post like this, he usually takes some time from his BUSY schedule of filling (or not filling) orders to email me about while he "may be slow to ship some Buick things, he's not BGC"

Well..... as far as I am concerned, he is well on his way....

Its very sad. How can someone sleep at night knowing they are intentionally screwing someone over.

I felt bad if I had to ship a calendar the next day because I ran out of toner in the printer and had to wait until the next day to get some.

So, you may say a calendar is not like making an intercooler. I say, if I was in the intercooler business - this thread wouldn't even be here.

There are a lot of crazies in this world - you think this guy would wise up....
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