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  1. T

    Tranny slipping 2-3gear on hard acceleration

    JDS - when you say TIGHTEN up the tv a notch or two .... does that mean to pull the cable OUT of tranny a tooth (or two) so that it is holding tv open a little more? Just for my information (and maybe a dumb question) - In what circumstances would you LOOSEN (let the plunger out) the tv (a...
  2. T

    trans cooler?

    I am using BOTH a B&M 12x 8 (in front of A/C condensor) and an 18" tube/fin and I have yet to get tranny up to 180* .....
  3. T

    Where to buy speedo cable/gear

    Speedo gears I think that either TCI or PATC would have what you need!
  4. T

    OK, what did I blow?

    Rent THAT was funny, but at same time, makes you think TO NOT overlook the obvious!!!!!
  5. T

    Fluid leak..

    Dohickey The "Seal Retainer Clip" will just pry right off and pushed on. If there isn't any fluid coming from seal, I would just push it on as hard as you can. Some folks don't even use those, I do, because I had one ! The converter looks a little wet ..... if that just isn't spill from...
  6. T

    2004r bq trans

    I had a stock 4BQ, with GN gov, D5 converter & my vb, was white BR# (#=3, atleast I think it was) .....!
  7. T

    Trans rebuilder in the SE US?

    Rich Since you are going up to Rich's event next weekend, you'll be next to the man IN THE KNOW!!!! Nicest guy you will ever meet & more tricks, tools & knowledge than you can shake a stick at!!!!
  8. T

    Fluid leak..

    Torque converter I don't know if our problems were the same, but I had same symptoms ..... I had a 3000 stall Torque converter that was running very loose, having lockup issues to boot. I was not too worried about the leak at the time, but it was something I was "going to get to" after the...
  9. T

    What a great experience in NC!!!

    I had the opportunity to get up to NC to meet an awesome friend and mentor, in my quest to become somewhat more knowledgeable on the 2004r. Rich, in an earlier post, I told the TB buick tranny guys that they all ROCKED, but at that time, I really HAD NO IDEA of how much :biggrin: Boy, was...
  10. T

    Effects of a TOO HIGH STALL converter

    Looks like I got over-taken :) Anyway - footbraking test shows my stall just about 3K (28-3200 rated converter, so I guess I am right in the middle). My only issue now, is that when I put the car in OD, with the 4th gear pressure switch active, it wants to lockup when I am not yet high...
  11. T

    Narrowing in ...... I think ......

    I think I am getting closer, to getting the tranny working right ..... What appears to be happening is that I am "missing" a gear .... 1-2 seems to happen fairly quickly (maybe it is 1-3, or 2-3, THAT I am not smart enough to know), but then at around 45mph it shifts to 4th, pressure...
  12. T

    TH 350c L/U Transmission For Sale

    I have a good, recently rebuilt and fully functional TH350c originally out of my 1980 corvette sitting in my garage, wanting to be sold! Located in Alpharetta, GA 30004. It has everything + some extra parts: ($550) A) B&M 30235 Shift kit B) Chrome pan with drain plug (I will also...
  13. T

    Effects of a TOO HIGH STALL converter

    How about in an older carburated unit, like mine?
  14. T

    Effects of a TOO HIGH STALL converter

    Are you referring to when the converter hits its stall speed or when it locks up? Tell me if I am on right track? A lower stall rpm, will get it moving quicker from stop? A higher stall rpm, will produce more heat How would one decide what is the right level for ones motor?
  15. T

    Lockup Solenoid Tutorial

    Thanks for that info - I feel little smarter now!!