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Fluid leak..


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Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2003
...well im running a tranny [probably 8 months old] - this tranny is awesome - shifts great and everything - NO complaints - well two days ago i get a small puddle under the car :rolleyes: put it up on stands and let it run yesterday and watched while small drops fell from the front of the tranny..

.. first thing is it common for front seals to go bad:confused: or do you think it could be the converter.... i will probably take it out tonight or tomorrow but want to be prepared for the worst... i really dont have any spare money. What do guys think the problem could be? I lubed up the snout real good before i installed the converter and made sure it was seated against the pump drive shaft...... i am confused - especially after 8 months or so. havent even locked the converter yet and NEVER used the trans brake:frown:
oil leaks cfrom the tv cable boot,filler tube boot,cooler lines etc can travel to the front and pee.also make sure the pan bolts are tight and the oil is not coming from the is very ubncommon to the trans to leak at the nose after a rebuild.could be loose pump bolt or oring/seal. loose bolts,o ring or seal leak can be seen easily by blowing 20 psi of compressed air into the filler tube
oil leaks cfrom the tv cable boot,filler tube boot,cooler lines etc can travel to the front and pee.also make sure the pan bolts are tight and the oil is not coming from the is very ubncommon to the trans to leak at the nose after a rebuild.could be loose pump bolt or oring/seal. loose bolts,o ring or seal leak can be seen easily by blowing 20 psi of compressed air into the filler tube

I was under the car watching... before starting it back up i sprayed brake cleaner to get rid of all residual fluid.... all the lines, tv boot [ i ASSume on side of tranny] and pan bolts are tight. I started the car and was under with a drop light watching fluid drip from the front [between TC and pump]

Also thanx for the response - i was literally about to send you a PM when i saw you posted ....

The vent tube runs down the back/side doesnt it? Should i try the 20psi trick??? could a faulty converter do this? Car ran/drove fine.
Sounds Like A Front Pump Seal Or Oring/leak

is this a hard problem to fix... i guess i just drop the tranny and loosen all the bolts and replace the seal and torque to spec... any tips or tricks - Do you need any special tools. sounds easy enough.
Torque converter

I don't know if our problems were the same, but I had same symptoms .....

I had a 3000 stall Torque converter that was running very loose, having lockup issues to boot. I was not too worried about the leak at the time, but it was something I was "going to get to" after the tcc issue.

Make a long story short, I put in a flushed, stock tcc that I had laying around, and it fixed my lockup issues AND the leak disappeared :biggrin:
If you decide to do it yourself it is rewally not that sure to remove the filter and lock up solenoid befor pulling the pump out.You really can get by without any special tools if you are crafty.
If you decide to do it yourself it is rewally not that sure to remove the filter and lock up solenoid befor pulling the pump out.You really can get by without any special tools if you are crafty.

Thanx i will keep everybody posted on my findings.... got back busy with work so it may not be 'til this weekend before i drop the tranny:frown: hopefully something stupid and easy to fix.... was planning on dipping into the 11s before track closes... and saving for future mods.... dont wanna blow the funds on tranny stuff.:wink:
here's the pix as promised....

...been busy lately and havent had a chance to get out in the garage until today... let me know what you think:confused:
To me it looks like some how the front "retainer spring clip doohickey" is kinda loose. can this be part of the problem? this is how it was - took pics right after dropping it. Dont see any signs of leaks from the pump area but dont know.








The "Seal Retainer Clip" will just pry right off and pushed on. If there isn't any fluid coming from seal, I would just push it on as hard as you can. Some folks don't even use those, I do, because I had one !

The converter looks a little wet ..... if that just isn't spill from taking it off, maybe you have a weld crack??? Hard to find since fluid is on opposite side when it sits on floor .... if you can plug it up good and tip it over, maybe you can check the welds????
i think that is just from dripping while i was removing it and then just wiping it down a little.... maybe i can try and rig up something and try to pressurise the TC with compressed air and see if anything drips/sprays from anywhere other than the snout area...:confused::confused::confused: does that seem like its a good a idea or should i just bring the TC to a trans shop to take a look.

i am still leaning towards the front seal area but right now am up for whatever. just wanna drive.. was s'posed to race in an event this weekend but wanted to be sure my tranny was right.
Monday Morning Bump

i think that is just from dripping while i was removing it and then just wiping it down a little.... maybe i can try and rig up something and try to pressurise the TC with compressed air and see if anything drips/sprays from anywhere other than the snout area...:confused::confused::confused: does that seem like its a good a idea or should i just bring the TC to a trans shop to take a look.

i am still leaning towards the front seal area but right now am up for whatever. just wanna drive.. was s'posed to race in an event this weekend but wanted to be sure my tranny was right.

also is there anyway to test for leaks without "running" the trans
here's some more findings.... brought it to a local shop [that i have good experiences with]
Sorry for the poor quality [camera phone] - but this is the inside of my pump:frown: the last two are a good "pump half"


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