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03 Cobra


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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2006
I just killed an 03 Cobra twice from a roll. About 30mph each time. After the first time he was yelling out the window that my car was really fast. He said he runs 11.90. In second gear I started pulling on him pretty good, and by the time I shifted to third it wasn't even a race any more. I'm pretty happy. I have been having a lot of tuning issues, but I think I have them fixed now. I can't wait to get to the track and see what this little Ta 49 will do.
Damn there sure have been a lot of GN vs Cobra's lately! :eek:
Nice kill! I just killed one recently myself ;)

I guess we shouldn't kill them all, leave some to play with later hehehehehehehehehehe
Yeah, keep a few around for us guys who are still saving for our GN's. :)

Nice kill.
Ummm think that was a Cobra vs TTA race. Well at least according to the sig, I don't see a GN listed there. If you were in the TTA I'd bet he had no idea what just kicked his ass!!!
Yes I was in my TTA. He actually did know what it was. He looked young too, so that was pretty surprising.
Ummm think that was a Cobra vs TTA race. Well at least according to the sig, I don't see a GN listed there. If you were in the TTA I'd bet he had no idea what just kicked his ass!!!

Your right I'm sorry. Still a Cobra kill though :cool:
Yes I was in my TTA. He actually did know what it was. He looked young too, so that was pretty surprising.

I've had mine for 2 years and other than car shows only 1 person pulled along side of me and knew it was a TTA! That is a rarity.

PS No sweat fast86 I was wondering if you knew something I didn't.;)
Yeah I had some Jerk in a supercharged mustang tell me he would be wasting his time racing me. He obviously didn't know.
Yeah I had some Jerk in a supercharged mustang tell me he would be wasting his time racing me. He obviously didn't know.

Hopefully you SPANKED HIS ASS!!!!! Please tell me so. I woulda said I'll even spot you a car!:eek:
Hopefully you SPANKED HIS ASS!!!!! Please tell me so. I woulda said I'll even spot you a car!:eek:

No for some reason I couldn't think quick enough. I thought of everything I should of said after he was long gone. Oh well hopefully i'll see him again some day.
I don't understand it. I know my car is pretty fast, and i'm never cocky. Why do people think they have to be a hole if their cars run 13.0 or faster? Whatever!
I have to say that the 03-04 Cobras are my favorite cars except for TTA's, GN's, Typhoon's, Syclones,Supras, and Chrysler Conquests. Boy do I miss my Conquest! Oh I almost forgot about those 84-86 Dodge Omni Glh, and GLHS's.
I have to say that the 03-04 Cobras are my favorite cars except for TTA's, GN's, Typhoon's, Syclones,Supras, and Chrysler Conquests. Boy do I miss my Conquest! Oh I almost forgot about those 84-86 Dodge Omni Glh, and GLHS's.

We must be around the same age.(Late 30's) Those were the hot cars when I was coming up. I had fun street racing a GLHS back in the 80's with my 86 GT....and he couldn't beat me. People were still wondering how that Omni kept up with a 5.0?? I knew what he was packing!!!:D
dvernst said:
In second gear I started pulling on him pretty good, and by the time I shifted to third it wasn't even a race any more.

Very nice!

Some of those 03/04 Cobra's are just nasty as hell. That blower whine alone is enough to win any argument, especially the KB one's. Especially this one, click here....
We must be around the same age.(Late 30's) Those were the hot cars when I was coming up. I had fun street racing a GLHS back in the 80's with my 86 GT....and he couldn't beat me. People were still wondering how that Omni kept up with a 5.0?? I knew what he was packing!!!:D

Actually i'm late 20's I was just lucky enough to know quite a few people who were around all of these cars. The first time I ever saw a TTA was at the Dragstrip, and the one I saw is the one I have now. I bought it 8 years after I saw it. Turns out it was my friends brother. He also had an 86 GLHS with 9000 miles on it that was running low 13's. He sold it with 13,000 miles on it.
Scarriest race of my life ws against a GLHS. I was chasing this one thru neighborhoods at about 1 in the morning in my 69 Buick. A 69 Lark is not known to ba a great handling machine, but I had the suspension so tightened up on that thing that you could take any corner at any speed, and that thing would give no body lean whatsoever. Had it set up with 60's on all four corners as well.

Anyway, we are running thru this neighborhood that has a long slow upward curving hill. I'm on his ASS. Right as we are nearing the crest of the hill, we are doing around 80-85, and my car starts a slow 4 wheel slide. I mean, the whole car was just graddually sliding left, right toward a parked car at the top of the hill. I let off the gas and didn't hit the brakes, the tires finaly re-found a little grip and pulled me back inside the curve just in time to prevent what would have been an absolutely nuclear collision. We hit a straightaway where I blew past him, cut in front of him, nailed the brakes and turned off.

I went and parked my car and just sat there and shook for about 10 minutes before I could drive again. I creeped on home slowly. LOL!

I guarantee I blew the guys mind. No way he though that old hunk of Detroit metal could hang with him thru the twisties, especially. But damn, I'm gettin the chills right now just remembering it....and it's 20 years later.