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Nick Micale

Tech Advisor
Staff member
May 26, 2001
CONGRATULATIONS TURBOBUICK.COM MEMBERS! We are now 10,000 members strong and continue to grow. Easily the largest source of Turbo Buick information on the internet, we are adding new members daily and with each new member, we get better. Thank you all for making this board what it has become.

The members here are the ones that have contributed the valuable content and information we have available. Thanks to ALL who have supported us here.

It is not only a gathering of fellow tech enthusiasts, but a place to share memories and experiences as well as being able to voice our feelings and thoughts on many subjects.

We will continue to strive to make this an even better forum in years to come and to continue to attract the quality members like we currently enjoy. A quick look to the past with our founders is also in order.

In early 1998, Mike Licht worked with Jason Debler and Chris Frezza to create an online community for Turbo Buick enthusiasts. They put together the first version of TurboBuick.Com and continued to help run it in the background while Mike managed it as well as his then current business.

A few years later in 2001, Mike decided to pursue other interests and asked Jason and Chris to go from helping to manage the site in the background to taking full ownership of the site.
Ironically, only a few days after the site ownership was transferred, the TurboBuick.Com web server suffered a massive hard drive failure, and the site had to be completely rebuilt starting all over again. With an all-new message board system, the community grew to be stronger than ever and many friendships were made including one between the partnership of Jason and Chris, and Bruce Toelle.

After 2 great, successful years and pressing personal demands, Jason and Chris decided in 2003 that it would be best for the TurboBuick.Com community if it was passed on to someone who would take excellent care of it. Since Bruce Toelle has the experience, and being interested in the future of this board, a deal was made for him to assume complete operation of TurboBuick.Com.

Jason and Chris still visit the site from time to time, checking on on how things are going and to provide occasional input and advice.
TurboBuick.Com is something of which we are all very proud and will continue to help it grow.

:) :) :)
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