If your low on funds,can't afford to drive it, I'd save up and get a used gas saver car. Kept this one for weekends or project. Hate to sound like a A-Hole.
Good Tune up...plugs wires, air filter etc
lighter oils, Gear, engine, trans (might help a bit,I'd think so)
maybe a HD shift kit B&M(32$)
Electric fan, nothing to much just a junkyard fan witha simple thermo switch and relay. (Did anyone notice better MPG with Efan ? I did
http://www.amazon.com/TSP-Inch-Radi...8?ie=UTF8&s=automotive&qid=1271117158&sr=1-18 exp
Drive like a cruzer not a dragster
Best bet is to just get it working highest % you can. I would also get myself a adj fuel pressure regulator, you can lower your fuel PSI,should save a bit more gas along with a inline FP gauge.
Mr. Gasket :: Product Details
Amazon.com: Spectre 2517 Chrome Fuel Pressure Regulator: Automotive
But if you got the funds The OD trans,Tune up, E-Fan would be what i would go with. Atleast the Efan
Got any pics of your engine, setup? what kind of exhaust system do you have, size pipe,muffler etc??