$18000 of disposable income, what car do you buy?

If you're really serious about spending that amount of money on one, then buy something that you will not have to spend one more dime on. If it's not already done, then you should be able to find something much cheaper and do the remaining mods with leftover money.
Big Shout out to groumoutis for showing me/joyriding his GN last night, I am absolutely sold that this is the car I want to get. Pouring over car/RV mags, CL, and this forum in search of a Buick! Thank you for the advice everyone, and I still have much to learn so further advice is ofcourse always welcome.
My daily driver is a supercharged '99 C5 vette. There's really no comparison between that and the Buicks for driving every day.

I drove a turbobuick as a dd for a while a couple years ago. Lots of fun, it was an 11sec car on the stock turbo. Always something here and there that needed fixing, but it was a short commute. My advice would be to have one close to stock with some bolts ons for a daily driver. The less done to it the less to worry about. Learn the car and fix the things that will need to be fixed and you'll have a 12sec car no problem. Just remember, these cars get expensive fast. Good luck!

He is a very intelligent kid and I believe he will continue to make good decisions. It wouldn't hurt to try and not be so negative. I met him Sunday and he has his head screwed on straight. He asks question and not the dumb ones either. I gave him my number and told him I would go with him to look at any local car. He isn't jumping into this blind and dumb, he is doing what he should. I believe he will find a good car and take good car of it as well. Why don't we all encourage him to do what he wants instead of shoot him down. It is obvious we all love these cars and he has the same passion we do.
OK make it $50 that it happens in the 1st 10 months of ownership. :wink: I have read post after post after post. have had people tell me story after story after story.
I was a "new guy" that blindly jumped into a modded GN when I was 20. 8+ years later, no blown headgaskets. We all started somewhere. Give the guy some slack.

Exactly what I was trying to say. I am willing to bet he will prove all the doubters wrong. He has two ears and one mouth and he uses them in proportion. He is further ahead than a lot of us. He is researching these cars from the owners before he buys. We have found a few nice cars to check out within a two hour drive.
Mostly I'm lucky I found this site, and I'm looking forward to learning more about these cars as I work on whatever I get. Couldn't ask for a friendlier, more helpful group of individuals. As far as diving headfirst into the kiddie pool goes, like Ineedagn says, we all started somewhere. Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance, at least to some extent. Learning should be a hands-on process, and I'm pumped to become a member of this tight-knit community.