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1986 GN Drag Car


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I know who you are and these personal attacks from you are of no surprise. Moderators, please delete all posts that are not related to the gentleman's sale. Mr Spool, a debate with you is not worth my time. Good day.
Your not fast enough to have a debate with me remember that😉
But if someday you do go fast you would realize my point of view and our conversations may be on a similar page.
One thing is for sure if I were to sale a car on here I would not appreciate someone who comments on the build in a negative manner especially when they have not had that caliber of car.
Anybody can buy parts,but not all can them to work to nail down a number,that's an art,and that's why there are some guys that dont need what another guy may need and they will still be faster.its the know how that someone pays for when they buy a proven car😉
I did not attack you just stated out facts.
Good day to you as well.
Your not fast enough to have a debate with me remember that😉
But if someday you do go fast you would realize my point of view and our conversations may be on a similar page.
One thing is for sure if I were to sale a car on here I would not appreciate someone who comments on the build in a negative manner especially when they have not had that caliber of car.
Anybody can buy parts,but not all can them to work to nail down a number,that's an art,and that's why there are some guys that dont need what another guy may need and they will still be faster.its the know how that someone pays for when they buy a proven car😉
I did not attack you just stated out facts.
Good day to you as well.
are you fast enough ...I bet if I tied my shoes I could beat you in a foot race....LOL....are you or have you ever raced at BG??
are you fast enough ...I bet if I tied my shoes I could beat you in a foot race....LOL....are you or have you ever raced at BG??
In my day there were those that called me the grass master as that was my best surface while playing a professional sport😉
So appreciate great grass😁
I've put the grass behind me and play on different streets and tracks and travel here and there when the opportunity arises😉
You guys keep an 👁️ on this "Charlotte" whatever it is.
With the IP hits it is suspicious.
That "NEWB" designation makes me think he may not have been around these cars for long.

I'm not sure he knows what "expensive" is, either..... LOL