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1987 GN Hardtop with 861 miles


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Your just pissed that you were called on your arrogance. By the way, you probably still have enough room left to stick(you know where) your spelling correction with your car.

Adios pendejo
BTP2U' s Profile Reads:
hunting,one pocket pool,firearms,knives, BF2
H2O provider

Since I am only a "pill pusher" (pharmacetical specialist for 15 years, more specifically trained in Neurology, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Pulmonology and recently Oncology) with 2 graduate degrees (by the way I CAN spell) can you clarify for our respected members of this forum a few points in your profile that make you so high on yourself?

1) Interests: "One Pocket Pool"?, I am assuming that means "playing with yourself".

2) Occupation: "H20 Provider"?, again since I am only a "Pill Pusher", can you describe specifically what a H20 provider does? As well as the qualifications for such a position? It sounds VERY important :rolleyes:
Best Educated Guess: You play with a "small hose".

Good one:biggrin:

PS: Very nice car. Wish i had some money to play with, it would be parked beside my rusty GN
By the way "pendejo" (******* in english), yes I speak Spanish also:

My reply to you:
Baboso, besa mi culo, puto.

We prefer you just PM me if want continue your rants, I will be just as happy to burry you there. I, as well as the others members, would prefer to keep the "threads" in the forum ON TOPIC versus "personal", but you always need to go there (I am guessing you are insecure and no doubt single, and it concerning you talk about male A*S some much). It must be nice to be so tough and "play" smart looking at the computer screen.

I once again have to apoligize for our "Junior Varsity" members such as
BTP2U, I have asked him to PM me from now on and get back on topic.

I have $100 against his $1 that says he will reply on this forum again versus PM. GAME ON!
BTP2U' s Profile Reads:
hunting,one pocket pool,firearms,knives, BF2
H2O provider

Since I am only a "pill pusher" (pharmacetical specialist for 15 years, more specifically trained in Neurology, Cardiology, Endocrinology, Pulmonology and recently Oncology) with 2 graduate degrees (by the way I CAN spell) can you clarify for our respected members of this forum a few points in your profile that make you so high on yourself?

1) Interests: "One Pocket Pool"?, I am assuming that means "playing with yourself".

2) Occupation: "H20 Provider"?, again since I am only a "Pill Pusher", can you describe specifically what a H20 provider does? As well as the qualifications for such a position? It sounds VERY important :rolleyes:
Best Educated Guess: You play with a "small hose".

One pocket pool is a real pool(as in billiards) game. Funny how your thoughts went to sex when that was not implied. Thats right pill pusher, H2O provider that owns 18 purified water kiosks in six cities serving the public. My qualifications for "such a position" are that I treat my customer base with respect and never talk down to them, like have attempted on this site. "Small hose", it appears that you have an unhealthy interest in my penis. Then again Connecticut passed a law allowing same sex marriage recently, so I see why you think so much about my penis.

Adios hoto
PM ONLY, as requested for the sake of the "real" members who want to talk about the GN's. If you don't understand what I said, have your Mom read it to you little boy.

Regarding you H20 position, my analysis says .....Doubt It!!. You are just quoting who you work best, if you work. I am done wasting my time responding to you, as time in my world is worth at a minimum some meaningful conversation. PM me if you still want to play "catch up".

FYI: Responding to you will take place when I have extra time, right after my Bulldog's anal gland get's "expressed" at the groomers, and I know how much you like to talk about anus'. It will certainly remind me of you for sure as the dog going to the groomer isn't even on my list.

Lastly, can you send the $1 to my PayPal account? After all you did loose the bet. You can do it in installments if need be and I will put it toward to $100K you offered for my car. Was it $100,000 or 100,000 Turkish Lira?

My advice to you is end it while you are behind (probably some guy).
Well I've gotta think if I had your collection of cars I would have taken the high road on this one. This was much more fun to watch though.:biggrin:
PM ONLY, as requested for the sake of the "real" members who want to talk about the GN's. If you don't understand what I said, have your Mom read it to you little boy.

Regarding you H20 position, my analysis says .....Doubt It!!. You are just quoting who you work best, if you work. I am done wasting my time responding to you, as time in my world is worth at a minimum some meaningful conversation. PM me if you still want to play "catch up".

FYI: Responding to you will take place when I have extra time, right after my Bulldog's anal gland get's "expressed" at the groomers, and I know how much you like to talk about anus'. It will certainly remind me of you for sure as the dog going to the groomer isn't even on my list.

Lastly, can you send the $1 to my PayPal account? After all you did loose the bet. You can do it in installments if need be and I will put it toward to $100K you offered for my car. Was it $100,000 or 100,000 Turkish Lira?

My advice to you is end it while you are behind (probably some guy).

First, you could have initiated the PM's instead of maintaining this publicly, but your mind was probably fixated on your dogs medical condition, I forgive you. FYI: I can probably save you some money by allowing my Rhodesian Ridgeback To "express" your bulldog for free as a gesture of goodwill, who knows you could probably pickup some pointers from the experience. Lastly, I did not bet you or anyone else one damn thing, nor did I make an offer on your GN, so this is my offer. If you pay me $100,001.00 I will accept it just to keep the peace. I am sure it is an honest mistake on your part, what with your dogs anal gland condition weighing so heavily on your mind. know what you are

P.S. You misspelled burry, it is actually spelled bury.
You misspelled apoligize, it is actually spelled apologize.
You misspelled loose, it is actually spelled lose.
I guess you missed those, no harm done.
If I have hurt your or your dogs feelings, it was purely intentional.
This has been one interesting thread.
Anal Glands
All in one thread.
Who would have thought it?:biggrin: :biggrin:

Very nice GN by the way.

Thanks for the entertainment!

I felt I had the qualifications to post here considering I have a PHD.
Plumbing and Heating Doctor.:p
Ok, Intresting thread...And Nice GN...But back to the car. I have not seen a GN Mass Airflow where as the plug comes off the sensor at 180 degree's. All of them have been at a degree...Is it me or has anyone else seen one like this?Was the GN a Late build? Care to take a peak under the sensor for the part number?


One pocket pool is a real pool(as in billiards) game. Funny how your thoughts went to sex when that was not implied. Thats right pill pusher, H2O provider that owns 18 purified water kiosks in six cities serving the public. My qualifications for "such a position" are that I treat my customer base with respect and never talk down to them, like have attempted on this site. "Small hose", it appears that you have an unhealthy interest in my penis. Then again Connecticut passed a law allowing same sex marriage recently, so I see why you think so much about my penis.

Adios hoto

You drive a Kentwood water truck and bring my water to me to drink on thursday...:eek:
I have one question about your car.
From the picture, it appears that you don't have the factory mass air sensor. With the low mileage on the car, it doesn't make sense that the sensor would have been replaced.:confused:


You're right...I'm sure in 20 years of not being used that crappy sensor should be just like it was when it rolled out of the showroom...:rolleyes:

Just doesn't make sense that somebody would have to replace a 20 year old sensor on a car....what a scammer...:rolleyes:

I'm glad you guys sniffed out his BS
The "New" GM

After all Chris, GM has ALWAYS built a problem free, reliable, quality product. That why they are still in business today :rolleyes:

Imagine, a sensor possibly going bad after 22 years at some point. Who would of imagined such quality control issues at GM. I guess my original factory Eagle GT's periodically also have to have air added to them. Time to replace those with some new Polyester ones. ;)

You're right...I'm sure in 20 years of not being used that crappy sensor should be just like it was when it rolled out of the showroom...:rolleyes:

Just doesn't make sense that somebody would have to replace a 20 year old sensor on a car....what a scammer...:rolleyes:

I'm glad you guys sniffed out his BS