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19th Annual BUICKS at BATES NUT FARM CAR SHOW, June 5, 2011 Sunday


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Oct 3, 2001
For all you West Coast Buick Turbo fans Have we got good news for all of you interested in a Car Show. It will be at Bates Nut Farm in Valley Center for the ninth year in a row at Bates Nut Farm in Escondido, CA. This location is situated on 100 Acres of land with one of the most picturesque setting I have ever seen. The Car Show is a one day Event Sunday June 5th 2011 from 8:00 Am till 4:00 PM. The Car Show is open to all Vehicles with over 20 Classes and a area to park well over 100 Vehicles under shaded trees the get together will be a great time for all. The Hamburger Stand will be open for food or you can pack a lunch. We will have a large Raffle with over $6000 plus in prizes and Gifts. There is two (2) major Casinos within 3 to 12 miles from the Car Show location. Entry fee is $25 Pre registrattion per Vehicle prior to May 30, 2011 on the day of the Car Show it will be $30 per Vehicle. To get more info on 19th Annual “BUICKS AT BATES NUT FARM CAR SHOW “plus a flyer you can print out and mail with your Preregistration form and payment to the Club P.O. Box 8687 Anaheim, CA 92812-0687, You can also go to South Western Area - TurboBuick.Com and download a printable flyer on the Car Show All info is location at the BGNRA Email: Our Club web site is down while my son and me reformat it. The web site will be up and running soon.
Direction to the Event are on the Flyer. If you wish to have a Packet for the Car Show mailed to you Please call 714-772-6201 and leave your mailing info including your Phone # and I will get a packet to you ASAP.

Note: Eric Brown: sd-slider will be handling all the Registration info and monies for same!!

Thanks for your time.
Steve Hurst, President-BGNRA
We will see you at the West Best Buick Turbo Car Show



On June 5th I'll be departing Spain for Germany, on my way to Switzerland, France, Finland and I won't be able to make it.

On June 5th I'll be departing Spain for Germany, on my way to Switzerland, France, Finland and I won't be able to make it.
Chicken, Don't let the door knob hit you in the butt on you're way out & please don't destroy the peaceful relationship we have with those country's.
Chicken, Don't let the door knob hit you in the butt on you're way out & please don't destroy the peaceful relationship we have with those country's.

Are you kidding? I'm the reason we have peace in the world.
I noticed that only the regions that I have not traveled to...we are fighting with...:rolleyes:

Are you kidding? I'm the reason we have peace in the world.
I noticed that only the regions that I have not traveled to...we are fighting with...:rolleyes:
Well what are you waiting for you could be the next U.S. ambassador to some of these troubled country's. If lucky could be featured on youtube as the next to be beheaded. But we need you here to also keep the peace with the insurgency of this turbulent southwest section.
I'd like to see them try to behead me....I got no neck for them to get that butcher knife on, and no hair for them to hang onto while they try to hold me down...

I wouldn't sit still for them either...someones getting kicked in the nuts...hard...before they detatch my skull...
...and I'll be singing "Jesus Loves You" the whole time...just for fun...:biggrin:
Lets get back on main topic please

Raffle items are rolling in left and right should have a large amount of items to do for Raffle. Keep all posted on more news for the Car Show

Steve Hurst
hey lou hope all is well with you....

chicken beware of the burgandy regal driving around the area..haha
Car Show UPDATE!!

Just three weeks from today and the Big show! The Preregistration is going well, we are ahead of last years count. The Club phone is busy with people asking lots of questions about the Car Show. Also we are getting a lot of Vendor/Raffle items. So if you want to save $ 5.00 send in your Registration NOW and stay ahead of the crowd. Remember only Three weeks left for the Show. If you have any questions feel free to call me at: 1-714-772-6201

Thanks Again, and see you at Bates Nut Farm.

Steve Hurst;)

PS: Remember the Hamburger Hut will be open for great food or you can have a Picnic, Also the Petting Zoo for the kids or the young at heart.
The Preregistration is going well, we are ahead of last years count. The Club phone is busy with people asking lots of questions about the Car Show.

You better hire a receptionist to handle all those calls, You wouldn't want to miss any of them.. :p
Are you applying for the job and I can handle all the calls thank any way See you at the West Coast large Turbo Buick Car Show !
Car show update !!

Just two weeks from today and the Big show! The Preregistration is going very well, we are ahead of last years count. We are getting a lot of Vendor/Raffle items. So if you want to save $ 5.00 send in your Registration NOW and stay ahead of the crowd. Remember only Two weeks left for the Show. If you have any questions feel free to call me at: 1-714-772-6201

Thanks Again, and see you at Bates Nut Farm One of the Best places to hold a Car Show

Steve Hurst

PS: Remember the Hamburger Hut will be open for great food or you can have a Picnic, Also the Petting Zoo for the kids or the young at heart.

Take advantage of the great deals in the gerneral Store on all kinds of items and the Gift shop has some very nice clothes and other items.
Remember we park on the left side once you enter the park under the shade trees, gates Open at 8/9 AM

Steve Hurst


The final Message before Show!!

Well, we got more large items in for the Raffle and the highest number of Preregistrations ever so we should have a nice turn out. Looking forward to see all and meeting new friends this weekend. COME ONE COME ALL, see you at the Bates Nut Farm CAR SHOW. Thanks for all the interested and comments!!

Steve Hurst
If you need to get a hold of me Call me on my Cell.