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1st Kill


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Jan 4, 2005
Got my first kill recently. I was stopped at the Hurry Curry Car wash to have a smoke and I heard a ricer coming from a mile away. I jumped in and pulled out and up to the light, perfect timing. He pulls up in this beat looking Integra (there is supposedly a turbo'd one that runs really good thats hammered to look at). I give him a rev, he revs back. It's on. Light turns green, I took my time off the line then nail it. I walked past that POS like he hit a brick wall. Next light, car, Dammit. Third light I launched it with some boost. What a joke. Fourth light he rolls down his window and says, "Whats in that thing?" I reply, "A V-6" It was my first opportunity to say that, IT WAS GREAT!! He just looked back in disbelief. He had no idea what a turbo buick was. I pulled out smokin' em' through second. and headed home. I know it wasn't much of a challenge but it was slim pickins since it was chilly out. More to come!!!
The secret to getting or "luring" a good kill victim is not to look for them.
It is inevitable that when you are not looking you will find a decent challenge.

BTW, don't waste your gas on cars that are not a challenge. If you run every ricer that rev's on you you'll go broke just paying for the fuel.;)
haha, i haven't had a respectable kill in mine yet either... just ricers and an s-10. i've driven by ls-1s and stangs and stuff with the turbo spooling, but nobody seems to want to play. oh well, a lot more cars out now that it's springtime... i just need to get my car running again!
The secret to getting or "luring" a good kill victim is not to look for them.
It is inevitable that when you are not looking you will find a decent challenge.

BTW, don't waste your gas on cars that are not a challenge. If you run every ricer that rev's on you you'll go broke just paying for the fuel.;)

Thats no lie. Really an trully you don't want to race everyone because the word will get around town. Then no one will want to race you.

My trans is to shot to try and race anyone but I have a new one ready to install. Just need to get some other stuff done.