1st to 2nd slip


New Member
Mar 7, 2010
Ok my trans guy fixed my problems but in the process he felt that the 12 shift was too hard so he softened it up this is my only problem now.What do I need to do to get 2nd to hold on a shift at wot. Like I said before I'm pushing 430 hp with 430 tq.:confused:
Still haven't figured it out, sure people are just busy all this nice weather keeps people off the net. lol
Maybe bring it back to your guy & have him unsoften it. If it's as soft as you say the band is toast now.
Sick of fighting with him, the band should be OK i'm not a egghead lol once I realized it was slipping I just stopped pushing it. It shifts fine just won't hold at wot, like I said i'm not pushing it till I get it fixed.

I see you are from int, falls i'm just down in St Cloud nice to meet you.