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3 kills on the way home last night!!


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Active Member
Apr 5, 2007
I was driving home lastnight around 11pm. I pulled up to a red light beside a Lexus SC430. Now, thinking back on it he did keep inching up while the light was red but I just thought he was in a hurry. Anyway, he took off wide open when the light changed then I realized he wanted to race so I gased it caught him, pulled away about 2 car lengths and got out of it. He pulled up beside me again going about 40mph he downshifted and looked over I gave him the after you finger point and he left, caught and stomped him...(I don't know if his car is supposed to bo fast or if he just wanted to see what it could do).....he turns off and this little honda comes buzzing by then hits the brakes to get beside me (he must have been behind me and the lexus) we slow down to about 20....he takes off ( you should have seen the back end off that thing going up and down when he shifted) once again caught him and pulled away 2 to 3 cars and got out of it....he made the left turn of shame.....I'm thinking man that was fun 2 in one night. and I'll be damed if I don't see a ole stang just ahead looked nice and sounded great so I ran up beside him rode right next to him for 1\4 mile or so I could see him and his buddy trying to size me up (you can't see inside my car 5% over 5%, and they had the top down) the driver shook his head no to his buddy once I saw that I pulled off and marked him up as #3...made a uturn and went home

86 GN
powerlogger --put it on 2 days ago VERY nice!
atr exhaust
pitbull chip
thats it....but not for long!!!
funny stuff there, with the honda bouncing on its shifts. hehe. sc-430s are around a mid 14 i think. you're talking about the new hardtop convertable, right? those are pretty sweet cars... nice inside and good looking, too.

mustang intimidation... priceless. something tells me that guy has had a run in with somebody's 10 sec. GN at some point... although if he was well modded like you said, he might have taken you with you having basically stock everything... turbo, injectors, fuel pump, etc. hurry up and mod that beast!
yeah i guess he had the top down it was a very nice car!!.....yeah i thought about the stang but if he thought he could I think he would have gave me a try unless he was scared since his friend was there.....anyway it was fun ....and the mods....waiting on fed ex!!!!!!!