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3rd 4th gear lockup switch location?


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Sep 28, 2014
Car dies when I come to complete stop. I have 4 wires coming from the connector on the drivers side trans case. 2 go to the passenger front solenoid 1 goes to pressure switch on passenger side rear. The other one was not connected to anything and I cannot see anywhere it would connect to. So my question are
1 -would this cause my stalling issues ( car acts like it’s not going into neutral when it comes to a stop)
2- could my issue be my TCC solenoid stuck closed and not allowing pressure to be released causing torque converter to stay engaged (replacement solenoid on the way)
3- if a bad pump is the issue is it best to rebuild and how would I diagnose this.
4- if rebuild is in order who? I’m in north central Indiana and how much can I expect to pay.
Actually put miles on the car for the first time in 18 years drove and shifted fine for about 10 miles then this happened
its not the switches , the brf trans doesnt use the gear switches to lock it uses them to let the ecm know when its in a particular gear (3rd or 4th) even if they told ecu that it was in 3rd or 4th gear the ecm needs the vss signal above 45mph
and if your foot is on brake as it is when stopping the brake switch should be open and cuts the 12v power to the tcc
, what your left with is the tcc is defective
change the tcc solenoid , its cheap and only needs to drop pan (pan gasket) to replace
its not the switches , the brf trans doesnt use the gear switches to lock it uses them to let the ecm know when its in a particular gear (3rd or 4th) even if they told ecu that it was in 3rd or 4th gear the ecm needs the vss signal above 45mph
and if your foot is on brake as it is when stopping the brake switch should be open and cuts the 12v power to the tcc
, what your left with is the tcc is defective
change the tcc solenoid , its cheap and only needs to drop pan (pan gasket) to replace
Thank you. New solenoid will be here Wednesday. It looks like I’m missing the 3rd gear switch altogether the valve body looks like it may have been replaced way back in the early 90s
I’m under the impression if the TCC fails when it’s closed it can’t release the pressure in the converter causing it to not “unlock”
its possible you dont have a brf setup valve body
the chevy 2004r trans (CZ) used 4th switch only and ran the power for the tcc through the switch with no ecm control
brake pedal should still disengage power
if you dont have a brf wired trans with 3+4 switches personally i would rewire it to allow the ecm to control the LU as well it also disconnects the LU at 4th gear WOT which is something the chevy based wiring wont do
the chevy wiring scheme also doesnt allow the ecm to see when your in 3rd/4th to drop timing/boost if you are still on a stock based chip


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I’m pretty sure it’s not the original valve body. There’s a bolt that has a stack of washers. It had to be replaced prior to 1994 since I’ve owned it since then.