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3rd brake light reflector


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Should be easy to find at your local junk yard as a lot of GM cars had them...Good luck! :wink:

Claude. :)
Thanks I'm going to guess they all used the same one?

Mine's broke so the last person duct taped the socket in the hole because part of the bulb socket holder broke.

Guess i could just put in a bigger socket with a bigger bulb. :eek:
kirban 2 cents worth

I got several complete units your rite heat over time I guess breaks the internal socket assembly. I don't think you want to mess with a bigger bulb as the heat from the bulb may melt the housing.

I have good ones complete with wire cut after the socket.

email me if you still need one
3rd brake light

I'm going to guess you're selling the whole thing not just the reflector?

Mine is complete. I have no use and don't expect to make anything on such a minor item. I responded to your pm/email. Sorry it was a holiday weekend. I just got home late. I got ya covered.
I believe I got what you need. It is just the red lense and is in good shape no damage and the little stem is in place as well. PM me if you haven't found one.
