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60 lb injectors discontinued?


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Active Member
Nov 12, 2002
Was wondering if any has any info regarding the discontinuation of turbo tweaks 60lb injectors? It only shows 52 lb Bosch injectors as the only option? Anyone running these 52s? What are ur thoughts on 52s vs 60s?
You ceiling for growth will be a little lower with the 52s, but if you're not planning to dive down the Turbo Buick rabbit hole of endless upgrades and a lot more power, you should be fine. You could also reach out to Eric Marshall at TurboTweak. Eric has a lot of knowledge and could help answer any questions or concerns.
I have 60 a 255L pump and a 5857 all is maxed!!! out 10.82 @ 125 down that rabbit hole I went. ^^^^
But if you're staying Orange County compliant you should be good to go. That is Go mid 11's.