Your starting to make this personal and it doesn't need to be.I'm not arguing at all that internal is better than external. What I'm saying is there's a few things that you're saying can't be done with internal, or definitively saying internal wastegate is the issue, and I'm sorry, but numerous things you're claiming can't be done with internal gate are obviously things that you learned from Facebook professionals, or hearsay, or not being competent enough to to utilize an internal gate setup if you actually have real world experience fueling your tabloid "facts". I have real world experience, and also have many proven credible Chicagoland turbo Buick tuners, mechanics, and car owners making big power, a huge range of turbo sizes ranging from Stock computer with basic chip making low 10 second power, to Ecugn with multiple stage boost control (my Buick) to boost over limit safety, and no less reliable than external gate setup. Maybe acknowledge that you're just internal gate prejudice, and their just might be a possibility us poor Midwest guys with 9 second cars still using internal gate setups like peasants are allowed to use the same bathrooms, and /or drinking fountains as you.... Oh that makes me think of something else. 3 bolt Mafia! 3 bolt for life! Now I'm just trolling you for tomorrow's Mr. Spool tabloids. Let me guess I just got asked to portray you in the Mr. Spool tabloid short.
Buick customer John Smith. No matter what I do, or how high I turn up my boost I can't go faster than 11.50 @ 116 mph.
Mr Spool. 11.49 or faster just can not be achieved with a 3 bolt exhaust housing. I have a bunch of data to back up my claim, but gimme a minute. I need to go screen shot some FB posts. Don't wait up for me...
Good night
I'm not an internal wastegate hater at all.
So stop being offended as I'm not attacking you.
I'm not on facebook and dont really care for drama
Just trying to help others
I've tuned more and driven and seen more combos out there than most and truly believe testing is the greatest eye opener.
If you think your real world high 9 sec hail mail pass on a glued track rental downhill with a 20mph tailwind on an aftermarket ecm on a internal gate is new I'm going to give you some real info
Your more than a second off in et than I've seen and done on internal gates

That's not the point
If you want to argue better sharpen your pencil.
I could have saved you thousands
You could have kept the stock ecu went external and ran an electronic controller to max a 62mm and went just as fast on the track maybe faster depending on conditions and have your 9 sec pass street capable so you dont have the typical 9 sec track car that really runs 12s on the street