80's Movie help

I eat Z06

New Member
Sep 22, 2003
What is the name of the movie where in the opening scene a red Lambo countach skips across a pond? I know it isnt cannonball or gumball run. Maybee a sequel to it?

Possibly Cannon Ball Run II... I remember seeing the scene you are talking about but I just can't remember the movie.
Earth girls are easy ?? no maybe Spaceballs ....no that was not it .....man there were alot of cheesy movies in the 80's I love them all !!:D
Speed Zone is correct. I believe the Lambo was the Shieks car. Also gotta love the early ricers in that movie. ;)
does anyone know when those three movies(cannonball 1,2 and speed zone) are going to be on DVD?
I've got Cannonball 1 on DVD now, got it in the Walmart clearance bin!! If I had to choose a favorite though.. It would have to be Gumball Rally.
I've got it. :cool:
The book is better. I loved the drafting Winnebago with the big wall of white in front. So close to the 18 wheeler they couldn't see the road. LOL!
"Speed Zone is correct. I believe the Lambo was the Shieks car. Also gotta love the early ricers in that movie."

Was that the one with John Candy? I think I remember a scene where Alyssa Milano is in some Bronco/Blazer type of thing and blows off a Jaguar XJS. I loved the realism! :)
Its a chevy Blazer. Not full size. And that blue jag XJS wins the race. I love jags but wish the Lambo would have won. That was my favorite movie as a kid. Lookin all over the web to buy it. So far ebay is my only option. If anyone knows of other sources let me know.
