Wow! I found some rust in the rear section of my Malibu-I cut an entire rust free floor section out at the junkyard for $50. Here's my advise-the floorboards in the 4-door Malibus are the same-those are always in nice shape it seems-that's what my donor floor was. And, if you decide to cut it yourself, be extra careful with respect to the fuel lines that route just behind the rear floorboard base section where it meets the lower part of the sail panel, by the floor on the pass. side. It is mor etime consuming to cut out a complete floor but thet GM floors were never anything but one piece and I wanted to keep it appearing to be factory. I say do the whole floor, not just the fronts. However, if you really only want to do the fronts, make the seam underneath the center channel brace-nobody will ever see it from the inside-hiding the seam from under the car might be tricky though. Good luck!