84 GN ??


New Member
Mar 7, 2012
Hello, can someone give me some input or info, about a GN for sale on mautofide for 3000......Im going to pick it up saturday and I gave the guy a deposit of 200 for it!! so im already in it but!!
the car is good for 3k??
how can I tell if is a true GN??
and what to look for??
any info will be appreciated...T/you.
You've made a normal newby mistake here. Go to your user controls and add a location so those near you can help you out. Most of the time they will.:) One of them might even be willing to go see the car when you pick it up so you know you didn't get burned. Look in the trunk for the SPID lable. It will have all the options listed in code, like WH1. That's what you're looking for.
You've made a normal newby mistake here. Go to your user controls and add a location so those near you can help you out. Most of the time they will.:) One of them might even be willing to go see the car when you pick it up so you know you didn't get burned. Look in the trunk for the SPID lable. It will have all the options listed in code, like WH1. That's what you're looking for.

WH1?? Don't you mean WE2?