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84 hot air - miss/cutting out


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New Member
Mar 31, 2005
I have a stock 84 hot air car that has a miss in it. I can hear a sporatic spitting at the tail pipe during idle. Car runs okay but when there is any load on the car the miss is noticeable enough to product a jerking from the engine area. New plugs and wires. What would be next on the list to check or the most obvious? Thanks in advance.
I have a stock 84 hot air car that has a miss in it. I can hear a sporatic spitting at the tail pipe during idle. Car runs okay but when there is any load on the car the miss is noticeable enough to product a jerking from the engine area. New plugs and wires. What would be next on the list to check or the most obvious? Thanks in advance.

Any codes? I would first check the MAF sensor, then cam sensor, then coil pack/ignition module.
was this happening before u changed out the plugs and wires or did it start after ? like jdpolzin mentioned check coil pack / module could b bad what are ur plugs gapped at?
No codes and it was doing it after and before the plugs and wires were changed. It only seems to have the miss during medium to heavy accelleration. Just mild throttle doesn't seem to make it cut out. Are there any procedures to check the cam sensor, coil pack and ign module? Thanks
miss cutting out

i hope somebody has an answer mine runs great until you wot then it misses
my plugs are gaped at 45 thousands
thanks harold
i hope somebody has an answer mine runs great until you wot then it misses
my plugs are gaped at 45 thousands
thanks harold

Drop your gap down to .032. On a forced induction motor, the air will actually blow out the spark with a wide gap like that.

You should also drop to one step cooler of a spark plug. I use Autolite 23 or ACDelco R43's.

Start there and report back!;)
Sosuzguy from what ur describing is happening sounds exactly like what my car was doing about a year ago and it ended up being a bad coil pack module once I replaced it all that went away and car ran much better try finding a good known one to test ur car, i believe if u have between 11-13 ohms between post on ur coilpack u should be good (test with a multimeter)as far as testing to see if the module is bad or the cam sensor I'm not sure someone will jump in and explain how to test these out

And 45 gap is alot I agree with jdpolzins advice and close the gap down to 32 and go from there HTH guys
Had this exact same thing on a z24 cavalier I had. Ran fine til I put a load on it and it would spit and sputter. I would swap the coil first.
Turbobooster Thanks that points me in a right direction. I have seen the cam sensor and C3I check in the 84 service manual and a Ing system check Chart C-4A but only the Ing system check looked like it would check the module. Is this correct? or is there a check of the module? Reason I'm asking is because I only have one more module and I don't even know if it's a known good one. Thanks..looking forward to getting this squared away...
I had this problem way back when I rebuilt my motor and it was either my cam sensor or coil pack. I ended up buying a new 87 coilpack and then I correctly set up the cam sensor.

Are you sure your cam sensor is setup correctly?
bad coil pack module once I replaced it all that went away and car ran much better try finding a good known one to test ur car, i believe if u have between 11-13 ohms between post on ur coilpack u should be good (test with a multimeter)

You should ohm out the coil pack, but it should read 11-12kohms, or 11,000-12,000 ohms.