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85 to 87 ecm swap


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Mar 23, 2010
Looking for someone to give me step by step of what to do to do the swap. I bought 87 ecm tt chip coil module lt1 maf and a translator but i cant get the car to run right
I would 1st do the ecm get it running than change the maf. I know that the translator has to be set correctly. can you put the stock maf and check if it runs better. Check this. If you have the plug & play adaptor you don't need to do the pin out.
Yes i did remove lt1 maf and translator n still didnt run origionally i could get the car to start after the sun sat on the car for 2 hours then it would fire right up but now it wont start at all just cranks and smells like its dumping to much fuel . Supposedly you have to set the chip to certain settings but i cant figure it out . I also have a scanmaster but cant get car to start with 87 stuff in it .
O.k 1st thing 1st. The car does not start? but you smell fuel.
Check for a spark at sparkplugs.Those may be fowled out.

Did you add the 87 mat sensor at your air filter before the MAF also try unplugging the EGR VALVE.
Does an 85 have an egr. If so where is it located and if it has one that could be the problem because when the chip was burned i was to to have the egr deleted. And to answer the other question yes the car is running good with the 85 stuff in it
Hey im gonna attempt the install of ecm modul and coil without maf and translator so wish me luck . I joined the tt site but it wont let me post yet
Ok took my time and replaced the ecm coil and module . IT STARTED RIGHT UP . No lt1 maf and translator but i really want to get that on but gonna leave it that way till tomorrow to see if it starts in the morning when its cooler and damp