86 Stage 2 Car new price

There are cars running 7's on DR's. So why not?

Not buicks:D
My question was if the cage was keeping him back from running into the 9s, not why his car wasnt running 7s on radials!

rtviper- Thats a beautiful car, hope it sells soon...

BW :)
Duane, the guys have the money now, no dreamers! All that's needed is a check out to finalize the sale. Gene PS. I need another tour of Boeings Factory and the 787s.
Not buicks:D
My question was if the cage was keeping him back from running into the 9s, not why his car wasnt running 7s on radials!

rtviper- Thats a beautiful car, hope it sells soon...

BW :)

He has a full cage so why would that keep him back from running in the 9's:confused:?