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98 gs wont run more than 10 seconds


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May 28, 2005
wifes gs died pulling to the garage.ran fine on the way to the fires right up and runs smooth for about 10 seconds,then dies.about 82000 miles on it stock everything.can hear the fuel pump run.have not checked anything yet,its cold as sh@# out .mass air maybe?any tips would help,before i go out and freeze my ass off thanks BIGPSI
sounds like a fuel or air supply problem. could be somethin in the fuel line its self, bad gas (maybe some water), maybe a fuse for a fuel related componenet. does idle rough for the couple seconds it does run? does it throw any codes?
Does your car have the resistor in the ignition key? If so, the little wires that connect the ignition switch to the VATS module may be broken. When you turn the tumbler the wires get pulled and crimped. I've seen this on a few cars. The cars will start, but only run for a few seconds.
lol i thought 10 secs in the 1/4 i was gonna say i only know a little more then a handful to pull that off. sounds to me like the fuel pump resistor. look it up on there is a bypass for it and also the gm part number for a new one.
Fuel pump resistor is bad. There is a new placement for the new resistor. It's relocated on the firewall. The old one is in the passenger wheel well. Remove the wheel well cover and then disconnect the old resistor harness. Plug in old harness to new resistor and install on firewall. I beleve you can run the wiring by the battery, but I could be wrong. When you pull the wheel well off. You should be able to see where you can route the wires. Instructions will come in package.
Nis said:
Fuel pump resistor is bad. There is a new placement for the new resistor. It's relocated on the firewall. The old one is in the passenger wheel well. Remove the wheel well cover and then disconnect the old resistor harness. Plug in old harness to new resistor and install on firewall. I beleve you can run the wiring by the battery, but I could be wrong. When you pull the wheel well off. You should be able to see where you can route the wires. Instructions will come in package.

Bingo, just did one of those in a GTP last week, same symptoms.
fixed for a day

installed new fuel pump resistor,car ran fine .the next day wife called me car quit again at meijer.i got there unpluged the new resistor and put a copper jumper wire in place car fired right you guys think i got a bad part?its a gm one.or is there aproblem elsewhere.thanks bigpsi!!!
If you popped a new resistor that quick, I'd gander that your fuel pump is going(high current draw) or you have a restriction in the fuel line(clogged filter, kink, etc.). Check your connections at the resistor and the fuel tank for corrosion as well.
98 gs

fixed the wifes was also no starting sometimes,completely dead.go out next day it fired right up.this fix was so simple i cant believe i over looked it .the pos battery cable was loose,and corroded cleaned it put some die electric grease on it,pluged the fuel pump resistor back in and the the thing has ran like a champ since then. thanks for pointing me in the right direction guys.these cars are great but id rather work on my gn.