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A Brush With Death!!!!


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Darkside in Detroit
Oct 2, 2008
We all know it takes a special kind of person to own a turbo regal the kind of person that can drive his a$$ off !!! What kinds of automotive accrobatics have you guys done to avoid an accident and were you successful or un successful even if you werent in your buick....Heres one of mine... I was in my buick and a child hood buddy of mine just finished his mustang with a windsor we were cruzing to another friend of mines house with a third friend behind us, and decided to have a lil stop light grand prix well we were on outer drive and grand river in detroit road s were pretty empty it was like 10 pm .. light turns green we were still bsing and didnt go.. well he counted down we took off and some :mad: sshole come flying thru the redlight :eek: !!!! simultaniously my buddy cut his wheel hard left and hit his brakes and i cut mine hard right and since i was spinning i stayed in it and did an almost 180 turn luckiily the guy driving( i think) an intrepid was in the far lane and not the right lane we both missed him by a foot or so give or take but needless to say i almost $hit myself!!! Just think what would have happened if we had been just driving normal (slow) and took off when it turned green can you say double t bone !!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Thank God you're all right, man!

I once got into some boost in the rain coming home from the track at 50-55 with the MT's on and drifted sideways across the double yellow. The Turbo came around as fast as a Corvette or a Porsche when you loose it in one of them. The oncoming traffic was a ways down the road but they stopped while I reined it all in. The only think I really was concerned about was my 15 year old son in the car with me. He said "he wasn't nervous because he knew I could drive" but I wasn't so sure for a second.

You know how it all appears slow motion even though you're going 50+.

Its funny how things go seem to be in slow motion when it gets crazy!! Cmon peoples 113 views im sure we arent the only ones that have had to do some white knuckle wheel man driving !!!!! ;)
I was in my lowered and stiffened up '69 Buick chasing after a Shelby running through an area that was a slow curve and gradual incline....slow if you are going 30 MPH! I had that car so stiff it wouldn't lean no matter what you did. We are going at least 80 MPH, turning slowly to the right, and all of a sudden my car started to drift sideway perfectly. The 60's were all letting go and it feels like I'm skating. (perfectly dry streets, BTW).

On the left side of the steet a car is parked. I'm drifting towards it. I was afraid to hit the brake, so I just eased off the gas and the car grabbed traction just in time to pull back to the right and miss it. I blasted thru and intersection and cut the SHelby off pulling in front of him. I knew where he was headed, so I beat him with a side street cheat.

After that I just pulled over and parked, and shook for about 5 minutes.
I pulled out into 45mph traffic from a side roadwhich intersects the main road at about 60* angle & I had set up to almost a 30* angle, giving me almost a straight line start into the 45 mph traffic. Some stupid idiot in a cheap ragged out piece of Jap economy bucket junk saw me pull out & also pulled out about 150 feet down the road. I figure in about 100' I was running at least 50 mph & I stopped less tha an inch from the idiots door. The look on stupids face, staring at my front bumper, inicated he had to change his drawers.
I need a set of railroad iron on the Buick.
When I was younger and didn't have my own car, I used my parents car like most kids did. Well one night I'm coming home from an old GFs house and I decide to swing through a shopping complex where there is a bar that my brother liked to hang out at just to see if his car was in the lot and if here was there....not sure why, I was to young to get in anyway,guess I just didn't want to go home yet.
Anyway I don't see his car so I go to leave and here he is at the exit of the shopping plaza turning left onto the main road to head home.Well it's a 2 lane for about an 1/8 of a mile and then it turns into a single lane (either direction)like most roads.Now I'm in my old mans 86 z28 305HO auto:cool:and my brother is in his 85 (I think) Elcamino SS (non choo choo)305 with a 4 spd:biggrin:, I pull along side him and he sees that it's me and I nail it and go ahead of him,I let off it (not wanting to get a ticket)well he comes up on me and passes me.:redface: Well I couldn't have that so I'm back after him and I pass him and we are coming to where we need to turn right to head home and I can see there is no way we are slowing down to make that turn cause he is on my ass and I can't see his headlights!

We keep heading down this road and it goes down a very slight grade and curves slightly to the right at the bottom. I take my eyes off the road to see how fast we are going:rolleyes: :redface: 110 I think it was, anyway I look up and I am going over the double yellow line so I slowly ease the wheel to the right to get back on my side:rolleyes: , and all of a sudden I'm going sideways up the road, I cut the wheel back and now I'm sideways facing the other direction sliding up the middle of the road. I cut the wheel back and slide a little more till I come to a complete stop sideways in the middle of the road with my foot on the brake mashed to the floor and my brothers headlights blaring through the passenger side window with tire smoke everywhere.Luckily no cars ever came from the opposite direction or it would have been such a mess.

I pull up and over to the side of the road and my brother pulls up behind me and as I am getting out of the car scared ****less but kinda laughing:confused: my brother runs up and hugs me and says he thought I was going to die and has no idea how I kept the car between the curbs and didn't roll it or shoot off the road and hit a tree! I told my brother I had no idea either but that the tires were shot though and sure enough all 4 tires flat spotted so bad they needed to be replaced.:eek:

I never slept that night knowing what I had to try and explain/lie to my old man about the next morning.:frown:.....if I ever wanted to drive again. And hoped that he didn't see the tire marks in the road and put 2+2 together.

Sorry it was so long,but I wanted to tell it the best I could remember it!:redface:
Iam only 16 and I nearly $hit myself i was going up a hill and this guy decided hey lets pass over the hill. Yea i know its MI flat boring but not in all places.i was doing 60 and he must of been doing 60 atlest cause he was passing. I didn't even have my license yet i was driving with my dad in his new 07 Tundra :D all i knew was when i looked up from the speedo I had a full size Buick in my lane. My dad didn't even have time to say anything. i whipped the wheel to the right and was drifting on the shoulder of the road but i corrected it. We figured that if i wouldn't of swerved the guy in the Buick would've been dead idk about us.:eek:
I never slept that night knowing what I had to try and explain/lie to my old man about the next morning.:frown:.....if I ever wanted to drive again. And hoped that he didn't see the tire marks in the road and put 2+2 together.

Sorry it was so long,but I wanted to tell it the best I could remember it!:redface:

That's a good story, how'd your dad take it?
That's a good story, how'd your dad take it?

Well, The next morning I hear he and my mother up at the usual 6am ish and I come out of my room and they are wondering why I am up so early on a Saturday morning, so I proceed to tell them that I was driving down interstate 91(local highway around here) coming home from a late night breakfast with the GF at Denny's a few towns over and that a deer jumped out in front of me:redface: and basically explained it the way it happened only that I was on the highway going 70 or so.:rolleyes:

I really thought he would figure it out when he saw the marks in the road only a mile and half or so away from the house, these long narrow skinny looking figure 8 like marks up the road.

I wanted to pay for the new tires, but he didn't want me to......which made me feel even worse lying to him!:frown: He was happy no one got hurt and just wanted me to be more careful even those kinda things can't be predicted.:(

Many years later my brother told my mom what really happened that night for some reason:eek: , but my father and I have never spoke of it since it happened. And I can only assume mom must have told him, even though my brother asked her not to tell my father the real story.

I knew those Z28s could handle good but never expected it to respond like it did when I jerked that wheel to get back on my side of the road!!!! a lesson I will never forget!
Well, The next morning I hear he and my mother up at the usual 6am ish and I come out of my room and they are wondering why I am up so early on a Saturday morning, so I proceed to tell them that I was driving down interstate 91(local highway around here) coming home from a late night breakfast with the GF at Denny's a few towns over and that a deer jumped out in front of me:redface: and basically explained it the way it happened only that I was on the highway going 70 or so.:rolleyes:

I really thought he would figure it out when he saw the marks in the road only a mile and half or so away from the house, these long narrow skinny looking figure 8 like marks up the road.

I wanted to pay for the new tires, but he didn't want me to......which made me feel even worse lying to him!:frown: He was happy no one got hurt and just wanted me to be more careful even those kinda things can't be predicted.:(

Many years later my brother told my mom what really happened that night for some reason:eek: , but my father and I have never spoke of it since it happened. And I can only assume mom must have told him, even though my brother asked her not to tell my father the real story.

I knew those Z28s could handle good but never expected it to respond like it did when I jerked that wheel to get back on my side of the road!!!! a lesson I will never forget!
:eek: he ratted you out? Well at least now you know never to rob a bank with your brother!:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: ;)
:eek: he ratted you out? Well at least now you know never to rob a bank with your brother!:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: ;)

Your right about the bank thing.......I'd have to give him 60% of the take just to keep him quiet!:tongue:

Yeah, but luckily it was still a good 10+ years or so after the fact when he told her about it!:smile:
not in the gn, but with a fellow gn owner (jdpolzin). I was driving in the work van (2006 gmc). the day after a snow storm, on our way to galena ill.we were doing 55 mph when the van let loose. I wasn't paying attention, Jeremy yelled oh s*it, and the van was sideways. that is when every thing got real slow, one million thoughts ran threw my head. after sliding back and forth a few times, I kept it on the road. Jeremy picked his coffee up and the adrenaline pumped the rest of the way to work (45 min).