A New Tech Source


Rest In Peace
May 25, 2001
It's just a few days old, and obviously a WIP.
But check back often.

If your looking for fluff, and computer graphics, aint't the place. I'm hoping to develope it as the definative source for alternative thinking for the GNs.


No advertising is allowed so you have to know who the Players in the GN world are, or write for info., gotta thank Bob Bailey, Ken Mosher, John Spina, Jack Cotton, The folks at PT+E, Hartline's, Ramchargers, for supporting the GNs as they have.

Also, there is a PT18 warning, some pics are GRAPHIC, if you can't stand to see an 87 GN, that's had it's Intercooler Removed, do not look. Same for the brain graft, swapping ecms can be revolting, and again graphic.
nice stuff bruce!! Please give us some text with those pics.. Whose cars were pictured etc
Awesome Bruce!

If I could just have a fraction of your knowledge, I'd be a happy camper. Thanks for all the great info! :)
Good stuff Bruce!!!

Those are some really cool pics and some very interesting topics (the intercooler delete and LS1 coils on a GN really caught my eye)......

You are one smart cat:) :D :cool:

How fast is it? (The I/C delete, custom plenum, LS1 coil GN)

Inquiring minds want to know!
Originally posted by StageII86
How fast is it? (The I/C delete, custom plenum, LS1 coil GN)
Inquiring minds want to know!

4+ mins, at 5,400 RPM, with the converter locked.
Never got more then warm, and was ready to go again.

Has gotten over 30 MPG.
Typically runs 24 PSI of boost. No water injection, and on 93 Oct..
Much better manners then a stocker as far as drivibility.

All with a mule engine.
A rebuilt one is in the works and just might flog it a few times.
Good idea Bruce...

I guess I should know but I don't, give me some info on the black manifold. How is your's working out?

ps...that tb looks pretty good on there.

Bruce how do you expect the car to run on the street, especially without the IC? Hell I would like to try it but my Gn id my only daily driver that's why I ask.
Originally posted by Phatman
Good idea Bruce...
I guess I should know but I don't, give me some info on the black manifold. How is your's working out?
ps...that tb looks pretty good on there.

The M+A, ie black manifold is pending installation. I have a new engine coming and it'd going on then.
Oh, and the guts to it aren't anything like you might imagine....
Originally posted by gndriver
Bruce how do you expect the car to run on the street, especially without the IC? Hell I would like to try it but my Gn id my only daily driver that's why I ask.


Here's a more complete I/C delete.
It'd been off for a year now, and you'd never know it. With the changes made, my MAT (true MAT temps) are maybe 10+d higher at WOT.

As installed, the stocker is more of an interheater, then intercooler, the trick is actually doing something to cool the incoming air. So far I'm just using fuel, but with the addition of water should make things more interesting.
hey bruce. me and another buick owner were discussing your i/c delete project. i noted that the fuel turning into a vapor and therefore dispersing more evenly thru the chamber would promote a faster, better, more complete burn and may be one of the many keys to your success. he says no way that has anything to do with it. i am basing my theory off what you stated on gnttpye about "making the fuel reactible as possible" and how you note that "this REALLY reacts well" and how i heard that this is also similar to how the propane kits work so well (b/c they are a gas also = better cylinder filling = better combustion characteristics). we decided to come to the source with the question so this can be settled. so the million dollar question is, "does the fuel as a vapor promote a more even, faster burn than just using liquid fuel alone?"

QUOTE: "Direct Scan and the 148 stuff all wired up. I also use Lockers when looking for more data then DS supplies"


What is/are "lockers"?

TIA!! :confused:
Originally posted by turbo buicks
hey bruce. me and another buick owner were discussing your i/c delete project. i noted that the fuel turning into a vapor and therefore dispersing more evenly thru the chamber would promote a faster, better, more complete burn and may be one of the many keys to your success. he says no way that has anything to do with it. i am basing my theory off what you stated on gnttpye about "making the fuel reactible as possible" and how you note that "this REALLY reacts well" and how i heard that this is also similar to how the propane kits work so well (b/c they are a gas also = better cylinder filling = better combustion characteristics). we decided to come to the source with the question so this can be settled. so the million dollar question is, "does the fuel as a vapor promote a more even, faster burn than just using liquid fuel alone?"

Yep, I hear lots of folks say some things I do just can't work. trouble with some theory is that it often ignores the whole picture.


You want to make the mixture as homogenious, and reactable as possible. But, like all good things it can be taken past the point of optimim. Nothing is changing, it's the same chemicals, but being vapor means smaller particle size, and greater surface area.
Harry Ricardo discribed the burning of gasoline particles as like reacting the layers of an onion.

Originally posted by Two Lane
QUOTE: "Direct Scan and the 148 stuff all wired up. I also use Lockers when looking for more data then DS supplies"
What is/are "lockers"?

It's a system similiar to DS, but instead of reading just some of what the processor is thinking about, it reveals what all 255 RAM locations are holding. It's a Do It Yourself, home built tool. The full info is at DIY-EFI.org when it reappears.
I pity the poor, unsuspecting fool that buys one of Bruce's cars on eBay and then gets it home and tries to figure out how the damned thing is put together. Sensors moved here, IC delete, LS1 coils... I can see it now- "Man, where the hell is the MAF on this thing?" BWHHAHAHAHAHA

Man, very heady stuff. I wish I had the knowledge and knowhow to experiment like that.

Very cool Bruce.

Rich :D
I LIKE that intake manifold :)
I WANT ONE ;) It looks out of the ordinary ( COOL )
I got to stay away from you, You're rubbing off on me :)
Just Joking. Can't wait to see the results.
You need a SON, I can cut the grass and shovel snow, but I DON'T wash dishes :D
Tarey D.
So Bruce we having the next Central Ohio get together at your place?

I'm feeling the need for one soon!
Ugh, there's sort of a get together at the Comfort Inn in Greenville OH this weekend. Not Gn specific but car guys.

BTW, my page has some new stuff on it
Bruce, nice site but why the "brand x" comment on Alan Leverman's car (the yellow twin turbo Buick stage 2 car)? Also, whose is the GN running mid 9's?