Well there are two different black boxes
One will work with a 2 bar or 3 bar and it just controls one pump speed and one turn-on point. Thats the SAC standard alcohol controller. Uses the factory GN/TTA MAP sensor mounted on the passenger fender. No vacuum lines to touch, no Hobbs, no relays, no extra fuse wiring, no fabrication, and no going under the hood to fiddle with the hobbs or pressure.. If you can wire a speaker, you can do this. Thats how easy.
The other (PAC) is the progressive, that one has three knobs. A turnon point knob(what boost PSI), an initial pump speed for that turnon(starting pressure), and a "Gain" knob for how much pressure you want out. As the boost rises the gain controls how fast the alcohol pressure rises. Mine is set to come on at 6 psi boost and I run 26 psi boost on the top. Pressure on mine is set 10 PSI alcohol at turnon, and 100 PSI at 26 lbs of boost..so you can say it picks up 90 psi of pressure over 20 lbs of boost..hows that
The initial and turnon knobs are concealed behind an access door on the controller..since these will rarely be touched once set. the other "Gain" knob is located on a little box that can be mounted as is or taken apart for custom in-dash mounting..for those that want stealth. New pictures up last nite on the PAC. It involves using a 3 bar MAP sensor.. It will work on a 2 bar sensor, just that full advantage wont be taken with the 2 bar. Since the 2 bar ends regualtion at 15 PSI boost. 3 bar is good for 30 PSI boooost
Lastly there is a wire on the box that when grounded reverts the alcohol to initial pressure..idea is to wire it with the emergency brake and while staging the car, the alcohol is limited to the initial pressure(10 PSI) which wont affect spool..once the car is launched..woosh..
By turning the system on at 6 psi, virtually all transitional knock is eliminated, without bogging down the motor.
track testing this sat nite..if it doesnt rain

my last month has had zero track due to weather..welcome to the Sunshine State..
If anything is fuzzy..hollar