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AAA Bailed may Azz out today


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Active Member
Jun 2, 2002
Went for a ride in my S-10, a few streets away from me is a boat
launch to the merrimack river. Theses woods are city owned property but since divided by a railroad line the town turns a blind eye to any activity down there.

Was going to check out who was down there riding quads & see if
enough snow melting would allow me to run my Yamaha 125.

Needlees to say there is a circle to turn around if you don't want to go all the way into river.
I took the circle thinking it was solid ice NOT. As driving over I hear Crack Crack.:eek: I am sitting in icy water up to my floor boards LOL!
Jump out onto huge chunks, walk home call triple AAA & had the girl in stiches :p

They came got me out no problem with winch..
LOL that was my stupid play of the day..
You'll be getting Water-Wings for Christmas. Although I have to 'fess I had a scary moment similar to that in the GN. There is a boat ramp about 20 miles from my home that goes onto a resevoir. I wanted to park ON the ramp one night.. won't explain why. Anyways.. didn't see the black ice and the Buick slid perfectly out onto the frozen resevoir. Some very quick thinking.... when the car stopped, I put it into reverse, got a running start on the ice (thank god it was a crystalized, textured surface). Got back up onto the ramp. The girl I was with and I had a real good laugh about it afterwards, but it sure wasn't funny thinking of the GN going into water at the time.

Good one.