???? about combo


The cars stock....I swear
May 24, 2001
setup is: 274" oncenter, GN-1's, BGC intake, PT-74 Q-trim(which is supposed to make more power than PT-76(?), 160#injectors, 230/230X solid roller. My question is, has anyone heard much about this turbo and if so will it support enough HP to run 9.20-9.30 in a 3400lb car?? I recommended to my father that he should try out the PT-88 to run those numbers, but he thinks he can do it with the 74 at only 25psi...waddaya guys think?? Thanks
From what I have read, the 74 won't do it. It just doesn't support the HP needed. I am having my 76 converted to a 88 like a member on the board is. I am not screwing around next spring:) :)

Or engines will be pretty much exactley alike.
Get the PT-88!!!

The guys that are running low 9's or better seem to be using the 88's cause Joe Lubrant has a 3-bolt PT-88 on his S2 '87 T that has run 9.13 @154mph and I'm pretty sure Cal Hartline has run 9.0's @157+mph with the 88 and Neal (NastyGN) has run 9.70's with only 17-18lbs of boost (I think with around 25lbs his car probably has a low 9 in it) with the 3-bolt PT-88 and with a combo very close to the one you will have.... I think it might be possible to run a 9.30 with the 74 if it's a 4-bolt, but you would probably have to push it (around 30+lbs of boost most likely) so the 88 is the best choice for your goals IMO....
It's not me you guys have to sell......its my father. I told him to get the PT-88 from the beginning. The problem is that he bought the 74 for the stock block to go in the 9's. When we sold the stock motor we had the turbo still so he wanted to use it. He doesnt think the PT-88 will spool. Also I heard that Bill from Champion has run a 9.4x(?) with the PT-74??
learn the hard way sometimes

if your goal is mid to low 9's pte 88 all the way no use to screw around with turbos.Tell him to sell the 74 for the 88.
Get the 88. The 72 or 74 wont do it.

I dont believe a 76 will get you into the low 9s.

My dad and I have been down this road, trust me the only turbo that will work for that ET is an 88.

And just for the sake of curiosity, why are you using 160 lb injectors? Those things are just huge even for an 88.

Good luck.
Originally posted by Reggie West

And just for the sake of curiosity, why are you using 160 lb injectors? Those things are just huge even for an 88.

Good luck.

well........they were recommended by a few people, and figured what the hell. At least we'll never run out of fuel:D
I must admit that there is always some longevity in having massive injectors.!!!
A guy I do engine work for has gone 9.5XX at over 141 in a full size car with the PT-74 but he has stg II heads. The new combo still hasn't gotten up to speed but I think it should be a few tenths quicker if he ever gets it straightened out. The last time to the track he had the trans brake fail and a large split in the header cross-over so it was a dog of the line and well ....yada yada. Dale
last night we went 113mph in the 1/8 with only 19psi and literally spinning the whole track, guess the cars makin some power:D
If i'm not mistaken, Cal Hartline told me he ran a 9.1 at Bristol with a 76 at Bristol this weekend. had a big exhaust housing on there.
I'd like to see how someone can move that much air through a 76. I'd deffinatey love to talk to him somemore about it. It still sounded like it took just as long to come up on boost as an 88.

Cal if your out there, what was the difference (in feel) between that and the 88, because it sure as hell isn't ET, elevation or weather, that car just plain rocked!!