I have the wire harness to connect 87 Ignition module to 84/85 turbo buick wire harness,also have the adaptor plate to bolt the 87 module (3 bolt) to the factory 84/85 (4 bolt) bracket--only used em 5K miles,,$50 shipped----also have the adaptor plate to "straighted"out the T.B. on a hot air after youve installed a 87 turbo on a hot air,this also works on a TA49 on a hot air,will fit other turbos on a hot air,,,I`m selling off my hot air stuff as I`m converting over to 87 style,,,I also have a 84tt engine wire loom,perfect shape $75 shipped,,any questions or hot air parts needs,feel free to contact me Jacktinajacko@frontiernet.net