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Alcohol or race fuel or both


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New Member
Mar 5, 2002
Ok, with all Ive read on here I think the SMC kit is a good quick bolt on. I hang out alot on the Syclone site and dont get here too much. However I think you guys a few years ahead of the sy's in alot of areas.

I race my syclone on either 110 or 116 with 24lbs of boost. Do you get more power running strait race gas? OR Do you get more running race gas and alcohol? On race gas I see very little knock like only a few degrees of retard at the most. Would the alcohol provide extra cooling and get me to 0. OR is the alcohol not worth it if you already run the race gas???
Hmmm, you may not get a reply on this one. I havn't heard of anyone doing this.

(That statement might bring 'em out:))

Mr URL, indicated he was going to try this last year after he reached 11's on 91 octane pump gas, and the dual nozzle SMC spraying (100%?) denatured.

I E-Mailed him with your question. Let's see what he has to say...

My truck runs good the only complaint I have is the 60.00 bucks in gas everytime I go to the track. Syclones will die off the line typicaly if you have any less than about a 1/4 tank in it.

Another option which is starting to really catch my attention is propane injection.

I read in another post that your buick was hit. Sorry to hear it. With $60 in the tank, entrance fees, couple burgers, its a hundred dollar night!
Propane injection is going to be more expensive but looks like it will be more drivable and tuneable then alcohol.

I would try an alky kit because it will allow you to drive around town with at least 22psi at all times:D
I pity the Lightning that pulls up to you at a stop light at that boost level:D

I dont get any knock at 22psi on 110 so I have not tried alky with race gas. What I would recommend is getting a kit and setting it to come on at about 18psi and $5 says you can run zero knock to at least 25psi (depending on turbo, chip, etc)

Jay Jackson was running 28psi on alky and pump gas for a good while until he finally lost a headgasket. 25psi is certainly possible

Thats a relative term for a Syclone owner. I swear it seem like any part that catches my eye is a $1000 bucks! I mean it could be something really small with a 5hp gain and its a $1000 bucks. Ok Im exagerating a little but not much.

THe propane sounds cool becuase it would last so long. As for the lightnings most any of them around my area know to stay back. Most wont even drive beside me anymore. I tell them that is mostly stock and runs 13.7 or so. Then I say "yeah ford has given you guys a bunch of crap on the lightning performance. Since I smacked you by about 20 car lengths you probably only run hi 15's"

I love that!!
The main benefit to alcohol over propane is the better cooling effect of the water/alky mix, which is what you probably need since you cant get any more octane.

BUT I think your truck would be perfectly suited for propane, and it sounds like these kits are going to be a winner:cool:
well I think being on the verge of development I might wait a month and see what happens.

Might as well. I had to wait 3 months for my ATR headers. Had to wait almost two for a dual core air to air from CAS. The only thing FAST about this hobby is how fast you can drain wallet and how fast you can get down the track.

Damned if I dont love it though:rolleyes:
I have never got the chance to try the race gas with alchy injection yet. I've been having too much fun trying things with pump gas and seeing how far that can be pushed. Jay Carter in the past played with alchy injection and race gas. He made some pretty good gains with it but it's pushing things on the edge. Basically what you do is start removing race gas and replace the fuel with alchy. He gained about .5 sec on a high 10 second car before it gave up the ghost. Definately need an EGT gauge and minimum of 112 octane before trying it.

Running straight race gas is the easiest and safest method of going fast. If you want to run very high boost #'s like over 25 psi then I would stick with race gas and a good race chip. If you have a mostly street driven car/occational strip car and want awsome performance on the street with a pretty good e.t./mph at the track then alchy is the way to go. Full out race car definately run pure race gas.

I/ve been playing with a home made alky kit for 2 years now. I but 5 gallon Sunoco 116 and 15 Gallon 93 octane. Mix at a 3-1 ratio. Keep this in the garage, when I head for the track, dump in 5 gal. Running 24 psi---works great. I/m using 3 --1 mm Aquamist nozzles. Spraying methanol. Best I can figure, 20 percent methanol at launch, that will drop of some as RPMs increase.
Im with Mr. Thompson on this one...

My car knocks up a bit if I run anything less then 4 Gal of 110, and I then full up with Sonoco 94..So that is about what? 98.1 Octane....I use the SMC Alky Kit with 99% Denatured Alky, and a turn on of 15psi for that "Intercooler effect"

As for having to run race must be a Hot-Air thing :cool: