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Alcoholics...I have a quick question about the SMC control box


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New Member
May 24, 2001
The clear line going inside the box going to the hobbs/pressure switch....Is is supposed to be leak-tight? I am trying to track down and idle problem and was checking vacuum lines. I could push air through the clear line coming off the SMC control box with no problem. I opened it up and white powder was inside around this area. Shouldn't it be air-tight so it can get a good signal. Anyone verify this? TIA
Thanks! I didn't know if anyone was going to answer. I saw that the clear line is glued on to the barb but should that piece hold pressure? Can you take your line off and blow on it and see if it builds pressure? Mine bleeds out through that piece. I would think it should be air-tight. I will call SMC when they open up but that isn't until later. Thanks!
The hobbs/pressure switch that is. Unit with the knob coming out the front for on setpoint. Mine is leaking through that piece.
Not good to call that a hobbs switch since it isnt. It is a pressure switch made up for the application..but no where as reliable as a hobbs.

Amazing it holds up really..since its glued together.. most people break those by twisting the set point past the mechanical limits of that switch..

I like the MAP sensor route myself..but thats another story altogether ;)