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Alky Control PAC , liquid recommendations


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Jul 1, 2003
Not that I'm anywhere near being completed with the install, so far I have the coolant over flow & alky tanks installed. Which is A Major milestone for me.

What liquid should I put in when I'm done?

Denautred , methanol etc etc, whats the best?

Cost not an issue
Start with straight methanol or denatured. I run methanol becuase its cheaper at 2.50 a gallon. Yet Denatured at 10 bucks a gallon works equally as well.. The Methanol is a little more corrossive, but the system can handle it no problem.

Its way easier to start tuning it in with straight alcohol.. then you can play with mixes if you wish. Like 95/5, 80/20, 70/30 etc.. adding a little water if you so wish.

Your almost there :)
Thanks Julio, I found the denatured alky in Home Depot, where do I get the methanol?
Usually you can get methanol at any speed shop or the track, same stuff the top alcohol guys run.
Originally posted by 5ltretr
Thanks Julio, I found the denatured alky in Home Depot, where do I get the methanol?

Do a search here for methanol.. you'll see tons of posts.. I typically get mine at the track. I also have a local speed shop that sells race gas and they carry it as well. Look under the heading automobile racing/race cars in your yellow pages and start calling everyone listed.. bet you can source it pretty quick. Also call machine shops that build race motors.. a lot of them use it for dyno testing and such. One you find the sources.. it will be cake from that point on.

Lastly paint stores like Sherwin Williams give discounts on denatured if you buy it in bulk like 5 gallons. So if you cant locate methanol, there are cheaper places to get the denatured. In Florida, these prices range from 27-34 for a 5 gallon pail.
